Favorite decade for music?

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
For me it's easy, the 90's. Nirvana. Soundgarden. Cracker, The Breeders, No Doubt, Pearl Jam, The Screaming Trees...Alice in motherfucking Chains. Yeah, I liked grunge, but I also liked the pop and rap of the 90's. I could listen to the music from the 90's for the rest of my life and be content with just a little modern stuff thrown in (anything by No Doubt, and Katy Perry has some pretty catchy numbers).

Do you have a favorite decade for music?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I'm with the BIG DICK on this one. I loved all those grunge bands, they made the 80's bands I grew up with look SO silly.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
I hated grunge. In my opinion, grunge was music made by kids who only knew how to play 3 chords and who's voices sounded like they were choking on gravel. Plus the type of distortion used on the guitars made the music nearly tuneless. Growing up on stuff like Van Halen, Queen, Metallica, Guns N Roses and The Cure, grunge just didn't compare and held no interest for me.


Boobie inspector

I have a great fondness for the music I heard when my brother still lived with me.


1700's. Bach, man, he was the absolute shit.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Has to be 80's. "Best" is a relative term, but it's definitely my favorite.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
When I think 80's I think spandex and big hair HERE I AM, ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE. Didn't really get into Metallica until Master of Puppets or GnR until right at the end of the 80's, so I don't even think of them as 80's bands (especially GnR since they didn't form until the end of the 80's).

I loved the shit out of Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, and Stone Temple Pilots. Never was into Nirvana much.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
When I think 80's I think spandex and big hair HERE I AM, ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE. Didn't really get into Metallica until Master of Puppets or GnR until right at the end of the 80's, so I don't even think of them as 80's bands (especially GnR since they didn't form until the end of the 80's).
Eeek, I blot the mousse metal bands out of my memory. My love of the 80s is 90% about the New Wave music. Some iconic rock artists made awful stuff during that decade, though, most notably Dylan and Bowie.

One could argue that the 30s was the best decade for music, for all the Cole Porter/Rodgers & Hart/etc American standards that sprang from Broadway shows to become pop hits.


in truth, my favorite decade is now, man. there's too much new wonderful to be had.


I refuse to choose, on the grounds I cannot. The eighties were great and hold alot of musical wealth in them but music created in the previous and following decades easily hold ground with them. I agree with Eggs, best is relative.


Pinata Whacker
I hated grunge. In my opinion, grunge was music made by kids who only knew how to play 3 chords and who's voices sounded like they were choking on gravel. Plus the type of distortion used on the guitars made the music nearly tuneless. Growing up on stuff like Van Halen, Queen, Metallica, Guns N Roses and The Cure, grunge just didn't compare and held no interest for me.

Only grunge music I liked was Weird Al's parody of Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit and Home Simpson's grunge band Sadgasm.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I have no idea what the music of the 00's is like.

ALTHOUGH I am disdainful of the 80's hair bands now, I was a big fan back then. IS THAT A TWIST PIN, ON YOUR UNIFORM?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Contemporary music has been caught in a fetid whirlpool of mutated hip-hop and manufactured pop stars since the boy-band craze in the 90s. I'd call this past decade the Dark Ages.


I love you
You really also have to ask what genre. In the early 80's I listened to whatever my sisters listened to and some of that was country.
And then in the late 80's I rebeled and listened to rap.
Then I evolved once again and listened to jesus music.
I never listened to hard rock very much.


beer, I want beer
I find when I talk to people the music they favor most often is whatever was playing in their teens and twenties. I have found music to love from every generation, and some of the best is timeless.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard


(Yeah, I have a vagina and it went to art school, so what?)