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Female posters who use hot women as their avs


I make assumptions about someone's character and identity based soley, or in part, on their choice of avatar.

It's the only real way to be sure.

Great way to miss the point of what I was saying. :roll:

I just don't see the big deal in women posting sexy pics as avs and find the question stupid.

What are you going to do argue with me over the internet about it or try to insult me because I gave an opinion?

What? - I believe you insulted me first miss newbie. For someone who gave an opinion you sure didn't do a very good job at it, did you? I have given a thorough and detailed analysis of what I see as a mode of similar behaviour I have percieved on the internet and my take on the motives therein. You just came in and called my opinion stupid without backing up your claim. So I will be the first to say shut the fuck up, but probably not the last.

No, I've never posted a picture of my face. I've said before, I have both personal and professional reasons for that.

MM is a tax auditer or something similar to that. Meaning she as a job in the goverment, she didn't have a problem posting her pic and a very lovely lady she is too. I can only guess as to what personal and professional reasons ou must have.. Are you really Condeleza Rice or so you have a shwastika tatooed on your forehead? :D

I told you the truth, I picked the avatars originally, solely to please someone I wanted to please. I continue to do it because it pleases most people. You can accept that or not, but trust me, if you had paid attention to any of my erotica, writing, flirting, you'd know that the underlying theme is pleasing others. The fact that you can't see that or accept it, is your limited view of women like me.

Please someone? Who is this someone? Cait and ??? sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G first came love, then came marr....

And I don't think I have a limited view of women. I still think my perspective is an interesting one thus the reason I started the topic. T actually gave me the most sensible reason yet. Saying she wanted people to KNOW she was a girl as soon as possible since people are more likley to think someone is a bloke at first on the internet. This was a good reason that I had totally ommited in my first line of thinking.

Broaden your horizons! Do some research on submissive women. It will help you to understand, if that is really your goal here. If it's just to troll me then, this is the last I'll have to say on this.

Accept it or not, it's your choice. Nothing you believe or don't believe will stop me from putting up sexy avatars or 'flaunting' my sexuality when I choose to. ;)

This is me posting a topic because I want to know, I'm not trying to Troll anyone. Not today at least. I don't want to change anybodys personal choices of putting up sexy avatars, I'm not a Bill the preacher somewhere in the deep South. I was making a discussion and at least you have given me a detailed response, thats all I wanted really. Despite a few twats giving one line smart ass responses and patting themselves on the back for their inventivness I have gotten a good discussion going, thanks.
You're welcome! I thought it was beginning to be an interesting discussion too.

I agree with T, my first avatar here was just of a woman's face and it was to make sure I was perceived as a female--not that Caitriona didn't give it away, but you know...

As to my personal and professional reasons, I don't know you well enough to tell you my life story, so I guess you have to let the swastika on the forehead imagery be 'your' reason for why I do it. I've said before, the people I want to know [what I look like] -- do know!

LOL, your perspective isn't all that unique, I think most think the way you do. It's just not the ONLY way of thinking. My contribution here was to share 'my' reasons.

But then, I think we had this discussion once before in the Mine Field. Then part of my reasoning for it was to express a part of my sexuality I felt was supressed in most of RL and Net life. I guess that still is a valid enough reason. I like the freedom of it. I like the openess of the sexuality. I feel good about that openness, as well as posting a pleasing picture for others to perv on.
Considering your first line of your first post was how much women posting sexy avs pissed you off and the rest of your first post wasn't much better it looked more like you were venting than wanting a serious discussion.

If I was wrong I apologise.

The only reason I'm using the one I'm using is because when I saw her on the site I found her on I liked her. Her attitude is a lot like mine sometimes-saucy and flirty-nothing more.
Decker made me my avatar, in fact, he made all of my avatars. Mine is supposed to represent missmanners, yes. Note the little tea tray, the naughty attire, the smoking gun (thats NOT a bong in case you wondered). It in no way is supposed to represent me. If I were to pick an avatar that represented me, I guess it would be blank.

^ Decker made a bunch of mine too... And I love all things Decker, so I continue to use them. Probably hoping [against hope] that he will return just to see them. ;)
I usually don't bother with picture avatars, but there's a real picture of me serving as my avatar on forums. As far as provocative... judge it yourself.

It's a good question to consider, how people choose avatars. I think you'll find it varies from board to board, too - different boards have different standards of what an avatar should be like.
missmanners said:
Decker made me my avatar, in fact, he made all of my avatars. Mine is supposed to represent missmanners, yes. Note the little tea tray, the naughty attire, the smoking gun (thats NOT a bong in case you wondered). It in no way is supposed to represent me. If I were to pick an avatar that represented me, I guess it would be blank.


Smoking Gun is the name of my band.
So, Menty, how come your av is so phallic? What is it meant to say - that you have a huge cock that's hard as rock? :lol: