
on a break from forums
hey I have an idea...


Pinata Whacker
Dude, Daniel, you've got to get a thesaurus. I say this for your own sake. :(

Ooh, have I offended Mr. Big Words? Why use words 95% of TK's population won't understand? I dumb myself down for this place.

Props for using my full name of Daniel, which I hate because most people mispronounce it Danielle. Also hate Danny. I much prefer Dan or Danimal.

Dark Pickle

Fucked Off
Ooh, have I offended Mr. Big Words? Why use words 95% of TK's population won't understand? I dumb myself down for this place.

I had a similair conversation with Raffles once. he thought he sounded eleoquent talking thusly, I felt he sounded like a ponce!


RIP Karl 1991-2014
Ooh, have I offended Mr. Big Words? Why use words 95% of TK's population won't understand? I dumb myself down for this place.

Props for using my full name of Daniel, which I hate because most people mispronounce it Danielle. Also hate Danny. I much prefer Dan or Danimal.

You don't have to use large words; just substitute something else in the place of "whiny little bitch." I mean, bitchy little cunt means the same thing, ja?


I hate when Mummy and Daddy fight. And when Mummy and Daddy have weird threesomes with my brother. And when when Mummy and Daddy rape cats at 3am. BORK BORK BORK

Dark Pickle

Fucked Off
I hate when Mummy and Daddy fight. And when Mummy and Daddy have weird threesomes with my brother. And when when Mummy and Daddy rape cats at 3am. BORK BORK BORK

This should be in the QOTW thread.

Anyway, we all know this is an execrise in futility. Even if I really AM mad at LC, it's not like I'll STAY mad at her.

I never do.