Dark Pickle
Fucked Off
Not even BLACKBERRY???
I'm always suspicious of any thread containing insults and my name from regular posters. I make it a point to know who I've pissed off and for what reason.
It;s better to always be suspicious, period.
I had a suspicious period once. LOLWUT?
You had a period? I'm suspicious of that...
It was years ago during puberty, ok? Before they grafted that penis on me, ok? LOLWUT, ok?
But I'm still suspicious! OK?
*bludgeons Loktar to death with a tyre iron*
The hooray was inquisitive. I was wondering if your death is a good thing or if its appropriate for celebration. Maybe its what you wanted. How was I to know? Didnt you notice the question mark?
I did notice the question mark, but was too tired and lazy at the time to post a witty reply.