Fun facts about Starbys

Dr Dave

Starbys once shot turtles out of one of those T-Shirt launching guns (the kind you see at stadiums).

bonus fun fact (from Tisi's bra thread)

Once time Starbys sold her bras on ebay and forgot about it.

Squirtle The Turtle

Grand General of The L.H.A.R
Starbys once shot turtles out of one of those T-Shirt launching guns (the kind you see at stadiums).

bonus fun fact (from Tisi's bra thread)

Once time Starbys sold her bras on ebay and forgot about it.

Us turtles are protected by the federal government. Never happend.


Starbys once told me she hated turtles so much that she would flout governmental restrictions and abuse turtles as much as humanly possible.

I, of course, was shocked at first. However once the reasons behind her seemingly irrational hatred were made clear, I began to agree. Her feminine charms simply served to deepen my trust in her views.

I happily watched her not only fire turtles out of a T-shirt cannon but she also made a banjo out of a turtle shell and we spend a summer night under the stars by campfire singing about our shared mutual hatred of these shelled demons and drinking moonshine.

Dr Dave

ah moonshine. Good times.

I remember the time Ann was banned from Hooters. She even got on CNN.

They interviewed me, I tried telling them she was just trying to show off. They would not listen, kept claiming Starby's breasts were weapons of mass destruction. In a way perhaps they were.

also, Starbys once crashed a truck into a Toy's R Us, destroying a dozens of barbie dolls.


I want to smell dark matter
Starbys suggested I call myself Captain Wacky. I was initially going to go for Captain Trousers.


I want to smell dark matter
Starbys invented cheese.


The moon is a byproduct of Starbys losing her virginity during a time/space wobble flux thingy. A hyper intelligent space goat may have been involved.


Elder Statesman
Starbys can balance up to 6 corn dogs on her nose, end-to-end.

Even more impressively, she can put one of those corndogs completely into her mouth...and withdraw it with the corn-meal gone but the dog inside intact, shiny and clean...

-The Volcano God


Starbys once interrupted filming of the second Iron Man film by sauntering on set and casually shoving a herring down Sam L Jackson's pants.


I want to smell dark matter
Starbys isn't actually a cat. She's two cats.


Some of the comments in this thread MIGHT (probably not) be true. :O