Futurama refuses to die (Hulu revival)


I want to smell dark matter
I thought some of the Dune references were good and there were some funny parts, but it felt like it went on too long and ran out of steam by the end. Are the episodes longer now?

"My manwich!" always makes me laugh no matter how many times they repeat it.


I want to smell dark matter
Episode 5 - It's about time SOMEBODY took some easy, predictable shots at Amazon!


I want to smell dark matter
"In memory of Coolio" is the only emotional ending that's going to make me feel anything.


No-one of consequence
It's a cartoon. Don't ask too many questions. Or to quote the immortal MST3K: "Repeat to yourself it's just a show, and I should really just relax."


I want to smell dark matter
Time dilation.


I want to smell dark matter
A fucking covid episode 3 years too late.

Can't wait for "The Professor buys Twitter!" in 2025.


I want to smell dark matter
There's profit to be had!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Frankly there were done after the movies. Very little of the eps since S6's Rebirth are up to par with the first 5 seasons.

There's something basic that they started missing about the premise of the show a long time ago.

It's why I'm in no hurry to watch any of these new ones... I'll just be disappointed.


I want to smell dark matter
futurama whatever GIF


I want to smell dark matter
Billy West can't really do Zapp's voice anymore.