Futurama refuses to die (Hulu revival)


I want to smell dark matter
Episode 9 was so hilariously stupid that I actually laughed a few times.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I've decided I'm just not going to watch these new shows. I don't watch most of the post-Rebirth episodes anyway. Other than Meanwhile, the last "finale" ep. That was pretty good.

I have #FiveSeasonsAndSomeMiniMovies. I'm good.


I want to smell dark matter
Finale was the best episode of the season. An actual good sci-fi plot and fairly funny, with a nice ending. IT'S NOT IMPOSSIBLE.


I want to smell dark matter
Hopefully next season has an episode where Zoidberg gets metal feet.


I want to smell dark matter

I'll watch it and instantly forget it! Except I do remember the season 11 finale was actually good so maybe there's hope there will be at least one episode I remember.


No-one of consequence
Alas, I won't be seeing it as I dropped my Disney+ bundle. Too damn many streaming services to pay for. Streaming has effectively been turned into cable television.


I want to smell dark matter
I never want to hear "NFT" again.


Boobie inspector
I laughed twice, that's pretty much tied with the entire last season.


I want to smell dark matter
Good news everybody?


I want to smell dark matter
12.2 - Not bad. It was so obvious no one was going to stay dead that they were able to have fun with killing them in silly ways.


I want to smell dark matter
12.3 - Laughed once (at "you're burning the blunt at both ends.")


I want to smell dark matter
12.4 - Watchable silly fun.