Is this real life?
Damn, I must look like such an idiot typing "LONAF", since it's actually an acronym.
L.O.N.A.F A.O.M.B, I.M.O!!!
L.O.N.A.F A.O.M.B, I.M.O!!!
CaptainWacky said:My main problem with L.O.N.A.F. is that I'm not a functioning human being and the Mine Field is the only board retarded enough to accomodate me.
Eggs Mayonnaise said:The difference between LoNAF's retardedness and the MF's retardedness is LoNAF is self-conscious and a little guarded about it. Here retardedness is a flag to be raised and saluted.
mmmmmmmhEggs Mayonnaise said:The difference between LoNAF's retardedness and the MF's retardedness is LoNAF is self-conscious and a little guarded about it. Here retardedness is a flag to be raised and saluted.