Game Of Thrones 1.6 'A Golden Crown'


I want to smell dark matter
The Mad King Aerys was Viserys and Dany's father. He was overthrown by Robert and Ned Stark in the Rebellion about sixteen years ago (Dany was born right at the end of the war in a crazy storm). They had an older brother Rhaeger (who Dany plans to name her baby for: Rhaego) who kidnapped Ned's sister who was betrothed to Robert. He was killed in battle by Robert. The Mad King was killed by Jaime who broke his oath to the king. All the other Targaryens were killed including Rhaeger's infant children who were brutally murdered by The Mountain, who also raped and murdered their mother (I don't think this is a spoiler since it happened 16 years ago and probably won't be mentioned in the show for a long time if at all.) Viserys and Dany have been staying with supporters across the sea since then.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
I think the idea with the hair thing is that it'd normally be pretty plausible for a kid to come out blond if his mother was blonde also but that the book proves that the Baratheons have magical super-sperm that causes all their kids to come out black-haired.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
He needed to end the episode with an "Ewwwww."


I want to smell dark matter
FUN FACT (for UK viewers only really): Bronn (the mercenary who thought for Tyrion) is played by Jerome Flynn of "Robson and Jerome" fame.


Is this real life?
Oh, so that's why he looked familiar.

Another FUN FACT (for UK viewers only really), Tyrion sounds like Victor Meldrew.


I want to smell dark matter
Yes he actually does! Peter Dinklage is one of the few american cast members (I guess there's no talented British dwarf actors?)


Can I have Ops?
The back story with Viserys and Dany only comes out in the book very slowly, so it is actually true to the original in many ways.



Is this real life?
Yes he actually does! Peter Dinklage is one of the few american cast members (I guess there's no talented British dwarf actors?)

Well there's Warwick Davis of course, and I think there's a guy with a dark beard knocking around somewhere, but they'd both be too old.

Peter Dinklage's accent is good, but I wonder what influence it takes. Does he think he's doing a posh accent? To my ears it sounds like a strained posh English/Scottish accent, which I suspect it's exactly what he's actually aiming for, but it's distinctive and this is a made up world anyway, so it doesn't have to sound exactly like anything in particular.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
It's about time they started making American actors fake an accent!


I want to smell dark matter
I just think of it as Tyrion trying to speak in an exaggerated "lordly" way to people because it's expected of him.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Is he using the same accent he used in Prince Caspian?


I want to smell dark matter
I remember he was in that but not his accent (all I could hear was Anna Popplewell's breasts.)


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
You are forgiven then.


I want to smell dark matter
He was put foreward for consideration by HBO.