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A good ad:
"If a woman or man does not consent to a sexual act, and the other person forces him or her to continue, it’s rape. An incident cannot be both rape and “not rape.” There is no “yes and no” about it. A rape cannot “become consensual at the end.” You do not convince someone over the course of the act that they actually consented."
But I am sure Gear will be along shortly to comment.
But you like it, right?Whoa hey now hold up, how'd I get roped into this?
I'm saying that if consent can't be given at anytime it may call into question the idea that it can be taken away at anytime. Slippery slope style.
Consent that can be withdrawn but not given when the consenter sees fit leaves the power of consent in the hands of the person acting without it.
What? No.
If someone has sex with someone else without consent, that's rape. That's it. That's literally all there is to it.
It doesn't matter if in some magical hypothetical scenario the victim decided to consent half way through (and even if they did it would be very hard to make sure that it's actual legitimate enthusiastic consent and not coerced consent what with them being raped), the point is if someone has sex with someone else without consent ever at all ever it is rape and that can't be take back. You can't un-rape someone.
Gear said:If a person can withdraw consent at anytime, doesn't it stand to reason that they ought to be able to issue consent at anytime as well?
What would it look like theoretically if a rape victim maintained the ability to give consent at any time during the assault, but chose not to (obviously) before during and after the fact? Could but didn't as it were.