Troll Kingdom

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Geedis' latest strip is up....and it's the worst one yet....

Aside from the vague Panda reference, I don't get it either.

But then, look how he draws his women, too :::shudder::: So, I'm not surprised it's more cerebral than we can fathom.

They seem to get it just fine over there, "especially" the Calvin and Hobbes reference...something to do with Watterson and some geeky obscure webcomic publishing reference that you'd have to really really really geek out to know about.
I thought that it had to do with one Calvin cloned himself in one of the strips using a box?

Twasn't very funny though, if that was it.

And how I remember that happening in a Calvin and Hobbes strip, is beyond me.
Yeah I get it, and it's so fucking STUPID it isn't even worth commenting on. Not even the corner of my mouth went up in recognition.

Go troll your dead wife.
jack said:
Jesus, you're even geekier than they are if that's true.
I'm younger than most everyone else here, and I used to love Calvin and Hobbes when I was like 10.

And yes, I do have a vagina :D
jack said:
Aside from the vague Panda reference, I don't get it either.

But then, look how he draws his women, too :::shudder::: So, I'm not surprised it's more cerebral than we can fathom.

They seem to get it just fine over there, "especially" the Calvin and Hobbes reference...something to do with Watterson and some geeky obscure webcomic publishing reference that you'd have to really really really geek out to know about.
This would indicate that you don't get it.
No one cares what you think. And you're small enough to call someone's work and get them fired because you get pwned on a fucking messageboard.