Get your booty to the polls


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Better that than a functionally illiterate dipshit. :bigass:

I don't know why you're so mean to yourself. Your side lost. Badly I might add.

Hopefully, you'll get over it.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Okay, now that the Electoral College has weighed in, now it's finished. But you're still a moron for thinking it was finished before today. Dunce.

Sore loser.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

The Question

I don't know why you're so mean to yourself.

If you can't top Pee-Wee Herman, fuck off. You wonder why I've compared you to Blackfoot? Because, just like him, your skills are fucking weak. You should be embarrassed -- but you're not, because also like the worthless stoop anchor, you haven't got the cognitive capacity or self-awareness necessary to know enough to be embarrassed.

The Question

Sore loser.

You wish. Until the EC weighed in, nobody had won and nobody had lost. And after they had, all I pointed out was that they had. You're hoping for a "sore loser" because you need that sense of validation.

You won't get it from me. You'll have to settle for the circlejerk you're getting elsewhere.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the next four years of watching you traverse the gradient from vindictiveness, through buyer's remorse, to just plain remorse, then dread, then abject contrition. :)


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Need some tissues?

Your side lost. Get over it already you pathetic piece of shit. Over a month ago and pretty much by a landslide, just like I said.

This thread stands as a permanent monument to your stupidity. Just ask around.

You've been stupid and sloppy, while I've been right. Maybe next time you'll get your booty to the polls.

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The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You wish. Until the EC weighed in, nobody had won and nobody had lost. And after they had, all I pointed out was that they had. You're hoping for a "sore loser" because you need that sense of validation.

You won't get it from me. You'll have to settle for the circlejerk you're getting elsewhere.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the next four years of watching you traverse the gradient from vindictiveness, through buyer's remorse, to just plain remorse, then dread, then abject contrition. :)

Circlejerk? Thought you didn't know what that meant and had to "look it up"?

Guess that makes you a liar as well as a hypocrite and failure. Plus a sore loser. Of course anyone that's posted with you for any length of time already knows that.

btw he's your President now, better show some respect.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Pretty funny that Trumpslut wants Hunter Biden's taxes investigated. Guess why that's funny?

Pretty sure he's just like you. Sloppy thinking.

The Question

Circlejerk? Thought you didn't know what that meant and had to "look it up"?

No, as usual, you're wrong and sloppy. I didn't know what a "pivot man" was, and had to look that up. Seriously, you helmet-inside-the-house-wearing retard, do you not even keep track of shit from the thread you're actively posting in?

But, no, you know what? I've decided I support Biden in everything he does to you. You've got it coming. You wished for a good, vigorous reaming in the back passage? I hope he gives you what you asked for, good and hard.

Selling us out to China? Open borders? You support that, and I hope you get your wish. A dozen MS-13 members on every street corner in your neighborhood. You want it? I hope you get it. You dumb fuck, you thought you'd get some kind of exemption from the corruption you voted to bring down on the rest of us? You won't. You're an American, too -- when you voted for a doddering, senile old kiddie sniffer to fuck the rest of us, you forgot that you're one of 'the rest of us' and you'll get fucked, too.

Wage contraction? Labor displacement? Hope you're learning Mandarin and Guatemalan so you can buy whatever scant groceries remain on your local shelves.

You backed the guy who puts Americans last instead of the guy who put Americans first? I hope that hits you the hardest. I want you to get every last injury and humiliation you voted for.

You fucking moron.
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The Legendary Troll Kingdom
LOL Sore loser says what now?



The Legendary Troll Kingdom

The Question

I told you, you imbecile, if you're going to troll, bring your A game or fuck off.

Or is brainless repetition of tropes that miss the mark by a mile your A game?



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Suck it, Commie. You LOST this thread, you fuck off. If you call being that wrong and that stupid your "A game" that says a lot about you.

As usual you got nothin' :bigass: As usual I was right, what a month and a half ago now?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom