god questions


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Two nuns are being savagely raped while being accosted during a walk in the park.

The first nun says "Forgive him Father, for he knows not what he does."

The other nun says "Mine knows what he is doing."


RIP 1970~2018
My favorite cross dresser - Also my favorite badass Jesus



RIP 1970~2018
it was the end of the world and the fate of the universe was to be decided by a programming contest between Jesus and Satan, which was to be judged by God.

So they got to work on their code. They both typed away constantly without sleep or nourishment and they both compiled programs which they thought were worth the ownership of a fresh new universe.

So God came in, and the skies shook and lightning fell and the screens went blank. God walked over to Satan first, and Satan turned his computer back on, and the file was gone. Satan managed to scrounge up an older program, but didn't really do so well. Then God walked over to Jesus' computer, who popped in a floppy and then ran a magnificient program. It was a graphics editor, it was an e-mail program, it was a web browser, it did all sorts of stuff, but without being bloated. So Jesus won the contest.

Afterwards, as Jesus' realm descended upon the world, Satan asked what had happened.

"Well it's very simple," God replied. "Jesus saves."
