Heroes and Dollhouse


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Two hour Heroes season premiere Monday (if anyone even cares about Heroes anymore). Dollhouse season premiere Friday, hope this season is better than the last (YES I KNOW ALL YOU WHEDON FANS THINK IT WAS GREAT).
Hmm. I'm not sure I want to sit through that much Heroes, but I'm curious if there'll be any improvement. I can't imagine they can keep it going for a whole season unless it gets better.
By all rights I really should stop watching heroes after the last two sucky years, but I liked enough in the first year to keep watching.
Also, there's not much else on here. I will be watching Heroes, even if it sucks.
I don't think anyone thought Dollhouse was great, but it got quite good in the second half of the season and it still has a lot of potential.

I'll watch Heroes whenever it's on BBC and if it's not...meh.
Robert Knepper (T-Bag from Prison Break) is gonna be the new villain on Heroes.

OH.. he was also in one episode of Voyager! lol
I don't think I'll bother watching much of either premires.

The season premire of House is on tonight, so I'll be busy watching that anyway.
I watched Heroes and it was good, IMO. I'm not going to spoil anything, but I'll give some impressions. I SHOULD HAVE WRITTEN THIS STUFF DOWN.

Claire: Away at college now, has a new hairdo (it's hot), not as annoying. SRSLy.

Noah: Didn't call Claire-bear Claire-bear. NOT EVEN ONCE. Also, may have a new romance with SOMEONE (not saying who), but I'm probably wrong, I just got the romance vibe for a second. I think he's having a change of heart about some things. Hopefully his character is in for some redemption.

Peter: Still hot, but kinda meh. I can't tell where they're going with him.

Nathan/Sylar: hmmm.. this could be very interesting.

Parkman: I don't want to spoil anything for this character, so I'll just say he is MUCH more interesting right now than most of the other characters on the show. You'll have to see for yourself. I hope they keep it up! Mrs Parkman is looking hotter this year.

Angela: still a meddling bitch.

Mohinder: COME OUT, COME OUT, WHEREVER YOU ARE. Wasn't in the premiere at all. Maybe the writers read the EVIL things you guys said about him. YOU BASTARDS.

The Haitian: Still on the show, didn't have any lines.

Hiro and Ando: Not cute anymore. Just annoying.

Samuel: New character on the show played by Robert Knepper. He did a really good job, seems a much more realistic villain than Sylar. For one thing, he's not ALL POWERFUL (you know what I mean). OH OH.. I will spoil this much!! Samuel did the opening monologue thingy instead of Mohinder.

New characters: Samuel has a group of friends/followers with powers. I don't know what their names are yet, but they are a much more interesting bunch than the ones that have been introduced in the last couple seasons.

Sounds like it's worth downloading then. I'm pleased to hear it wasn't awful. As bad as it's been the last few years, I still hold out some hope they can bring it back to the greatness of the first season one day.

He's got like that from sitting around Tweeting all day.

I'm not sure if Heroes will be on the Beeb this year. There was a report on the news recently about them possibly cutting down on expensive imported shows.

Yes, he is still pensive and frustrated. He has some new problems that make him even more pensive and frustrated. I THINK HE'S GONNA TURN HEEL.