Heroes and Dollhouse

The latter more then the former.

Really what do the Heroes people expect after the product they have produced in recent years?
Could I start a seperate Dollhouse thread? Because I'm not watching Heroes (yet) so I don't want to read the spoilers while I'm trying to talk about Dollhouse.
The measure of how far this show has fallen is the fact that LG and I decided to watch "Hoarders" on Monday, and save the Heroes premiere for this weekend...if we have time to watch it this weekend.

MUCH more excited by the return of Fringe, and even the premieres of new series "NCIS LA" and "Flash Forward".
Could I start a seperate Dollhouse thread? Because I'm not watching Heroes (yet) so I don't want to read the spoilers while I'm trying to talk about Dollhouse.

Of course! I was just using this thread to talk about general things about the shows anyway. I didn't think anyone would be watching Heroes anymore. IF we want a new thread for Heroes then we can do that too.
Heroes really wasn't that bad. Had some good moments, some good acting and nothing completely stupid (aside from the usual Hiro and Ando rubbish. Teabag's really good and I like all the stuff with Sylar, Parkman and Nathan.

The new character with the knives is pretty interesting, but I don't really understand Teabag's power yet. He can do the tattoo thing, but does he have to have ink? How does that work? And the woman can sense stuff, which he turns into tattoos. But he can also move stuff with his mind. Hmm. Anyway, the carnival thing is actually quite good and not completely lame like it first sounded.

The Hiro/Ando stuff annoyed me, but that's par for the course in Heroes. If they got rid of those two or gave them some adult storylines then the show could actually feel like a serious drama.

Claire's roommate reminded me of Katie Sackhoff a little. I guessed she'd be death pretty quick, but didn't expect it in the first episode. Waste of a good character really.

Speaking of which, why bring Danko back only to kill him off straight away?
I just watched it.

Why do we even follow Claire any more? Her storylines are always so un interesting there's really no point. She's not even hot.
Maybe they killed off Danko just to tie up that loose end, or maybe he didn't ever want to be in the show again.

I liked Claire's storyline. I think they're going to have her grow up a little.
Yeah, I actually found Claire's story interesting for a change, although keeping her slightly annoying roomy around for a while would have been good. Gretchen's character is a bit of a stereotype, but the other one was more unusual.
I dunno.

I guess I liked it when we found out Claire had an annoying roommate, and we wonder "Oh how's she going to spend the whole year living with her and keeping her secret!", but it's okay because she dies soon because she was actually stealing Buffy's soul at night and Willow moves in instead.

STILL haven't watched the 2-hour premiere. Probably won't get to it (and this week's episode) until the week-end. I watched "FlashForward", "NCIS: LA" and "Fringe" already. Heroes is almost like broccoli. You know you should eat it and get it over with, but you just sorta push it around the plate and eat it when there's nothing left on the plate.
LOL, now I've got 3 hours of Heroes to watch this weekend. If youse guys hadn't said it's pretty good this year, I might have dropped it.