HEY CONCHAGA (Lost finale spoilers)


I want to smell dark matter
It was thematically.



Beginning: Desmond forgets to push a button and fully fueled and maintained jet already in the air splits it two and crashes.

End: Desmond un-corks the evil powah that starts shaking the island to shreds and is posed to destroy entire world and abandoned plane stuck in jungle with limited fuel successfully takes off on crumbling dirt runway then makes several laps around the island just for show.

I was really hoping the evil stuck in the island was more...maniacal. A good BWAHAHAHA coming from the hole would have really brought a lot of plot threads together.


Boobie inspector
If by making several laps around the island, you mean takes off from the separate hydra island, then flies over the main island, and by limited fuel, you mean enough fuel to carry 400 people to guam, and if by crumbling dirt runway, you mean the runway that Jacob forsaw the need for them to make, and the exact location it needed to be, because he knew all along what would happen and wanted to make sure they could leave again?

Seriously, if he just wanted to bring the losties back to the island another crash would have been fine, the people he wanted weren't even in the plane when it came down anyway, the whole purpose of the runway was to allow the plane to leave again.

Kind of sucks to be all the other disposable passengers though.

I wonder what the overall death toll for lost was?

Darma purge, first plane crash, second plane crash, freighter purge, freighter explosion, sub explosion, temple massacre, Widmore missile attack, evil stepmom massacre, various shootouts with the others.

If its not 1000 its got to be close.


Yes, all of that. I'm not really criticizing the plane takeoff I just found it amusing that the unleashed evil power seemed to do little more than cause earthquakes and heavy downpour, at least to start. Maybe if Jack waited longer before plugging the hole we would have witnessed the full earth destroying power of the evil energy. But what we did see hardly justified the suggestion that the escaped evil would bring an end to everything, especially since it can be contained by a medium sized rock with inscribed Egyptian mumbo jumbo.