Rhea said:
And CoyoteUgly, I have nothing but contempt for the fact that you used you used your wife's brother to post rape porn and then whined when you got banned. I didn't say anything because I figured the whole thing was self-explanatory. You both deserved to have your asses kicked out.
You goddamned stupid twat...listen to me and listen closely. I'll write this in small words so maybe even you can grasp it.
First off, I couldn't possibly give a shit if you have contempt for me or not. That
should be a given, but I have to bring the "don't care" aspect up from time to time for self-righteous shitheads like you who seem to think that what they say matters.
Secondly, I didn't use my brother-in-law...we asked, and he went along with it. He's a big boy who can make his own decisions. If you have a problem with him and his actions, I'll gladly pass along any message you might have. Until then, shut the fuck up.
Third, show me where I
whined about anything, you reject from backalley abortion. After RHW's post, and after consultation with Jen, we decided that an apology was in order for crossing a line into causing emotional pain for a guy we both have some measure of respect for...unlike what we have for the majority of you at EI. That's it. Fucking deal with it.
Fourth and last, I'm not banned. I'm
indefinitely suspended. That's different from a permaban, in case you weren't paying attention. I can conceivably come back if I were to promise to play nice. I'm not betting any money on it...but it's remotely possible. Learn the fucking difference, cunt.
Yeah, cunt. I passed it over to Jen, and she said you were a cunt two or three years ago, and you're a cunt now.
Now, additionally, I don't have a problem with you coming here and voicing your opinion...that's sort of what the place is about. But for Chrissakes,
get your fucking facts straight dumbass if you want me or anyone here with an IQ over room temp to take you seriously. If you want a good discussion on the subject, come back with a better frame of mind then we'll see. Otherwise, I'll take time out of my schedule to burn some duals at EI and fuck with you in a fashion that makes slash fic look like a coloring book.