Rhea said:
If every person who ever joined an online community were reasonably healthy and well-balanced, then trolling would be an amusing pastime.
Actually, it is an amusing pastime. If I didn't enjoy fucking with people's heads, then I wouldn't do it. And I'm speaking for the troll
er, as well as the troll
ee. I've been on both sides of the fence. If I was so mentally unbalanced that I couldn't stand a little proding, well, then I shouldn't be on the net. Period.
As much as some people are willing to forget,
none of this is real. Its just a bunch of stray electrons spread out over telephone wires and silicon. Anyone who sees this as real life needs to flip off the switch, and step outside. And that goes for anyone who goes off the deep end over what's said on these anonymous boards.
But the internet is also a refuge for people who have very real problems in their lives, and when you bait somebody who can't fight back, it's not only cruel, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
No, its target practice. Speaking of target practice........
RobL, I know you were just joking about shooting the fucking computer. But Psyche's a kid, she loves that computer, and it should have been obvious to you that you were upsetting her. But instead of having your fun and moving on, you made a big joke about it in AQG and just kept right on plowing ahead. Do you get my drift here? Picking on people who can't fight back is childish and malicious. Period.
Who the fuck said that I was joking? Have you
paid attention to what I've been posting here? I'll even bold it for you:
I WANT TO BUY A LAPTOP SO THAT I CAN SHOOT IT. And the more that everyone carrys on about how I've tragically wounded the fragile little heart of Psyche, the more I want to find some way of getting
her notebook and shooting it. As a personal "fuck you" to everyone carrying on about it.
Also, if she's so attached to the stupid thing, then why the fuck is she selling it? If I were attached to something like that, no way in hell would I sell it. I'd be the only homeless man in LA with a laptop in storage somewhere, safely tucked between my porn collection, and some of my guns.
I came here to read the threads about EI because it was obvious from Natolii's posts that you had sent her off the deep end and I wanted to know why - I rightly figured that it had to be TK threads that did it. You can call me a fat fucking cow and I'll figure that you just have an extremely limited vocabulary.

Calling Natolii one is just not O.K.
Why not? She was a willing participant in the game. Its not my fault that her life is cracking up around her, and she's choosing to blame me, on an anonymous internet BBS, for it.
I haven't registered at her site. I haven't done anything to her personally. I've just engaged her in some verbal judo at EI. If thats enough to send her off the deep end, well, then she shouldn't be online. Period.
I'm amazed that some of you are old enough to have kids, because I would have thought it would have caused you to develop some empathy. Guess the empathy gene is missing for you guys.
No, I feel bad for people. I just don't feel bad for people who make their own problems, then whine about how their bed is all fucked up, when they are the ones who fucked it up in the first place.
I work with special needs kids all day, and if there's one thing that makes me see red, it's people who hurt my kids - either consciously or unconsciously.
You know, it seems as though every asshole's uncle is throwing out there that they work with retards. Big de fucking woo. Do you want a pat on the back or something?
Let me let you in on a secret: I'm a retard kid. Serious. I wasn't completely verbal till I was the ripe old age of four. I also had some very bad speech impedements. However, that didn't stop me from going to college, and getting a fucking
Masters degree in Chinese history.
Us little retard kids can stand up for our own. So don't go flying the "I love retards" banner around me. Because when you do, all I see is "bullshit" written across your forehead.
If you've noticed, I finally had my say with G1223 too. I don't think it will do any good, but I tried.
G1984 is a fucktard who's going to be getting his shortly.
You can try to justify your actions by saying you're just goofing around and having fun, but it's not fun anymore when you hurt people.
Anyone that can be hurt from what I say on these boards shouldn't be on them. People that emotionally fragile shouldn't be on them. Period.
I'm sorry that y'all have a hard-on about Rovvie and Slipstream and what happened there. Tough shit. Grow up, get over it, and move on.
Any questions?
Didn't you get the memo? I posted it both here and at EI.
I couldn't care less about what happened to slipstream. The reason why I'm fucking with EI is due to their utter contempt of us, and their picking fights with people using the "fall" of SS as their excuse. You want to play that game? Fine. However, don't use that "get over it" line when its the very thing you can't do yourself.