Homo Erectus is ok


Retired Account
3 bottles im drunk 5 bottles i will cannibalize ya fucking cunting family trees bitches.

im on my 3rd right now.


Retired Account
*looks angrily @ 5th bottle*


Retired Account
its too late if i have to pull out... its already in thar, might as well have my fun strangle her with her pantyhose and use it as an excuse to become an alcoholic mass murdering prostitute killer.

i can say my auntie used to make me wear a dress and my parents both used to beat on me real bad.


Retired Account
only in 4 states.


Pinata Whacker
its too late if i have to pull out... its already in thar, might as well have my fun strangle her with her pantyhose and use it as an excuse to become an alcoholic mass murdering prostitute killer.

i can say my auntie used to make me wear a dress and my parents both used to beat on me real bad.

Pfft. Thats a lame excuse. I wear a dress and got regular beatings with a wooden spoon as a child and I turned out fine.:D


wooden spoon, fuck ur parents were hippies!!!!1

i had the meat tenderiser :'(


I dint even know they made metal, wooden spoons.

btw has anyone seen that metal soap? how does it work?


Retired Account


Retired Account
i used to get beatings i think im healthy becoz of it now take your stockings off loktar and act like a real coffee machine.


Let's be making sexy business
7% abv is too weak.

get you some Mad Elf (11.5%)

or Golden Monkey(9%)