Homosexuality:Opposition to choice


Grand Wizard of TK

We see that viewpoint rather often from those in favour of homosexuality and same sex marriage, but how accurate or realistic is that claim?

Is it not believable that people can turn towards homosexuality through choice? That the culture associated with gays would attract others or that events in a persons life could lead to a preference over someone from their own gender?

Is there evidence that people can be “born gay'? Or is this more likely just an attempt to try and make homosexuality more legitimate in order to gain acceptance?
Well, I can choose to go straight, but at a crucial point something's going to go wrong with the master plan.

I can choose to be lefthanded too, but I won't be very good at that either.
Grandtheftcow said:
Is there evidence that people can be “born gay'?
It's a combination of facotsr with no real source. However, genes play a strong part in it.

Or is this more likely just an attempt to try and make homosexuality more legitimate in order to gain acceptance?
That too.
Homosexuality is becoming such a fad. From my experience with my wide circle of friends, there seems to be 3 groups.
1. Born Homosexuals: These people have told me that they were born that way, always been gay,etc. They didn't choose it because it's just the way they have always been and just needed to discover this about themselves.
2. The Fad Choice: These people come up to you every week proclaiming their latest "choice". One week: bisexual. Next Week: homosexual. Third Week: straight again. Etc, etc. the cycle seems to continue for how ever long they want to experiment with the latest fad. It's presented as the "cool" thing to do.
3. The Experimenters: Self explanitory. Experiment with same sex play thinking they might be gay, but in the end realize that's just what it was: an experiment, a play. These people can be stuck in this stage for DECADES before they realize that they aren't really gay.

That's just what I've observed. I've always been very accepting and openminded, so I've had a lot of gay and "gay" friends before. And no, I've never experimented with any of them. Yep, I'm a prude.
No one can 'choose' to be homosexual. You may be referring to lesbians there, and the situation is completely different between the homosexual men and women.

Lilith said:
Yep, I'm a prude.
A prude because a person is a homosexual? That only shows how much of a fad it's become.
No, some people have actually told me to my face that I'm a prude for never experimenting with lesbianism or bisexuality.

If that's what you mean, carry on ;)

Hey, are you telling me you've never seen or heard of a gay man experimenting?!
And if homosexuality is such a fad that someone is called a prude for not participating, then can we also say that losing your virginity at an early age is a fad too?
Lilith said:
No, some people have actually told me to my face that I'm a prude for never experimenting with lesbianism or bisexuality.
Let me guess, all guys?

Hey, are you telling me you've never seen or heard of a gay man experimenting?!
To that I give a resounding NO. Either a man is gay or bisexual, or he isn't. Whatever reasons you can think of, that's just the way it is.

And if homosexuality is such a fad that someone is called a prude for not participating, then can we also say that losing your virginity at an early age is a fad too?
Pretty much.
Zodiac said:
Let me guess, all guys?
Suprisingly, no.

To that I give a resounding NO. Either a man is gay or bisexual, or he isn't. Whatever reasons you can think of, that's just the way it is.
Wow. Must be the different areas of the country then? The Southwest/West Coast is VERY laid back. And I can tell you that I've encountered MANY experimenting males. ;) It's a little naive to say that only women experiment..
Just because that's the way YOU think and what you believe, doesn't make it so. Just as I stated that my opinions where just that, opinions taken from experience.
Wow. Must be the different areas of the country then? The Southwest/West Coast is VERY laid back. And I can tell you that I've encountered MANY experimenting males. ;)
No one straight would experiment, unless they have serious emotional problems. They are either gay, or they are not.

It's a little naive to say that only women experiment..
It isn't naive at all. Lesbianism is something that a large part of the male population enjoys looking at. You can't compare the social stigmas of lipstick lesbians and fantasties of threesomes with those of homosexual men.

Just because that's the way YOU think and what you believe, doesn't make it so. Just as I stated that my opinions where just that, opinions taken from experience.

Thanks, dad.
We weren't ruling out emotional problems, so yes, that could be true.

Of course I can compare the two. Just because one is more popular than the other, doesn't mean they aren't comparable. Many woman and even gay men(which is a big fanbase) love to see two men together. Where have you been?
You mean to tell me that as many women enjoy seeing gay men together, as men enjoy seeing women together?

Sounds like bullshit, but I think it best to let the statistics decide, if anyone has any.
Lilith said:
No, some people have actually told me to my face that I'm a prude for never experimenting with lesbianism or bisexuality.

If that's what you mean, carry on ;)

Hey, are you telling me you've never seen or heard of a gay man experimenting?!

You mean a gay man experimenting with women? Maybe. I know a couple of gay friends I had in college said they slept with women to see "what all the fuss is".

If you mean a straight man experimenting with homosexuality, then HELL NO, I've never heard of that. In my experience, if your bi, you admit you're bi, you don't claim to be straight.

I know that homosexuals are born. Not only would no one choose to become a persecuted minority, but I know that I've never in my life looked at a man and said, "Wow, he's hot". Not once.

The only grey area is guys who are Trannie Chasers. They identify as "straight", even though their "women" have cocks and fuck them. Strange subset, that.
Zodiac said:
You mean to tell me that as many women enjoy seeing gay men together, as men enjoy seeing women together?

Sounds like bullshit, but I think it best to let the statistics decide, if anyone has any.
I never said that. Read again ;)

I said they were comparable; not even, but comparable.
Big Dick McGee said:
I know that homosexuals are born. Not only would no one choose to become a persecuted minority, but I know that I've never in my life looked at a man and said, "Wow, he's hot". Not once.
I don't believe that stating the same sex is hot means you're gay, or even bi. It CAN, but many times I think it means you appreciate them.
I think this Lilith broad hit it on the head.

I believe that some people are actually born with the as-yet undiscived phyciological defect that causes their sexual stimulus/response mechanism to be mis-wired. Such people are "born" homosexual.

However; I also believe that such unfortunates represent a tiny minority of those who 'identify' as one of the various brands of sexual deviant. Most simply chose to be a dirty gay pig becuase they think it's cool or they're just overly libidinous perverts who like to fuck.

In Egg's case, I think he decided to be born gay for one of two reasons: either his daddy didn't give him enough attention as a tiny child, or his drunken uncle ass-raped him at his bar mitsvah and he decided he liked it.
Sure. Now I see where this thread was going. If Zodiac doesn't agree, then it's meaningless.
I never claimed my opinions to be scientific. Therefore, they do not require statistics.

All my words are coming from is years of observation and experience.
Hey look! A double post! Hmmmmm ... has the evil Gurk discovered a way around the flood control measures?

Bwa Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaha!