
I want to smell dark matter
I will rank the housemates every Wednesday or something.

1. Freddie - The modern day Jon Tickle who has orgasms when he eats, has parties in phone booths and shows up the bullies (Kris, Lisa and Charlie) for who they are. Can't see how he won't win.
2. Noirin - Fittest housemate ever? Getting a lot of sympathy for how she's handling Sree (not the way he'd like her to handle him, lol omg) and I think she actually is quite intelligent and nice (but not in a goody goody way LIKE RACHEL), while being willing to speak her mind. Plus fit.
3. Sree - It's tricky to rate him so high, as I'm starting to be creeper out by how he's treating my girl, but his entertainment value is undeniable. Genius casting by Big Brother. "I am saying to you on your face...I love you."
4. Marcus - His utter dismantling of Lisa showed him to be one of the most perceptive housemates ever.
5. Karly - Very funny in the Diary Room. Perhaps playing a bit of a game by being quiet outside it? Nice bum too.
6. Siavash - He's a cool guy. He's faded into the background lately and how he reacts to Cairon's eviction will be his big test.
7. Angel - Complete nutter who drinks pasta jucie then moonwalks in the garden and hasn't eaten for four days because she thinks Noirin's marker pen glasses could give her "brain damage". Classic BB casting again.
8. Carion - Sometimes funny but quite rude and annoying.
9. Rodrigo - His nice guy act seems to be slipping a bit when he went crazy at Angel the other night.
10. Dogface - She's a nice enough girl, but come on, she wanked off a guy she hardly knew on tv...
11. Kris - Nasty to Freddie and generally dull.
12. Charlie - Absolute cock. His evicton could be a Sezer moment.
13. Lisa - Can't stand her voice. Or anything about her at all.


Staff member
Definitely placing my bets with Freddie. When Cairon is evicted it's going to be interesting when the house realize that Freddie has got a lot of support out there.

It's going to shake up the dynamic. The only thing that could ruin it is if Freddie gets big headed because of his popularity because we all know that would be the death nail.


I want to smell dark matter
What? That's what it looked like. Maybe it was a blowjob.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Now now, what's so bad about a quick handjob between friends?


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter

1. Freddie - Yeah man, it's like...the people...and like...the music...and the love...and it's in the can dance to's
2. Noirin - She might be about to go over to the evil side and turn into a Grace style Queen Bee, but who cares really, she's fitter than Nasty Nick's fictional wife so she should be allowed to get away with anything. I would cut off Sree's foot for her.
3. Siavash - Henry the 12th is the coolest and most perceptive motherfucker in the house. The kind of guy you could see yourself being friends with in real life (if you have friends in real life.)
4. Angel - She'd had a good week, but there is something suspicious about her. Does she REALLY fancy Noirin or does she just want a piece of that storyline action? Likable, but could she be A BIG FAKER?
5. Marcus - Marcus goes a bit too far with Sree sometimes and is in danger of becoming almost as creepy as Sree around Noirin. Still pretty funny.
6. Karly - Och! How dare she bitch about Freddie. She has really big eyes. She's quite nice and funny in general.
7. Sree- The joke is starting to wear thin. How many times can he threaten to quit without actually doing it? He's never going to change or learn anything in the house. Time is running out for Sree.
8. Rodrigo - Almost invisible but was cute dressed as a girl.
9. Charlie - I'm beginning to think that maybe he isn't a prick, maybe he's just really really thick.
10. Sophie - Is she still alive? Just a prop for Kris.
11. Lisa - Has been quiet. But I still hate her.
12. Kris - Vile to Freddie and Angel, has a reall chip on his shoulder. Get rid of him.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Who was Rodrigo kidding? He really had trouble walking in heels? I don't think so.

Pity that all the cute and/or gayish boys turned out to be so disappointing. Maybe this means I'll have a good nelly boy in the US cast for once.


I want to smell dark matter
There's always Angel's lesbian lust for Noirin to represent the gay viewers!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Well, that serves the lezbeens, but it leaves us gayboys a little cold.

We're all for equal rights and diversity and all that crap, just don't make us watch it.


I want to smell dark matter
Freddie speculated that Kris was gay for Charlie.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Hard to say. Extremely narcissistic men can be confused for gay simply because they are in love with themselves, and gravitate toward others who meet their own standards of beauty. without it being a sexual thing.

Or he could let Charlie give him a handjob one of these nights, who knows...


Is this real life?
Funny, they were just shown in the bath together.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Again? Hmm....


I want to smell dark matter
Sree will go next week.


I want to smell dark matter

1. Freddie - The more Lisa and Kris pick on him, the more popular he'll get.
2. Noirin - Had a bad week last week but has recovered nicely this week. Fit, nominated Sree.
3. Siavash - Keeping involved but out of the fights and nastiness, he's a cool dude.
4. Sree - Memorial ranking really. It's a shame he's going to relatively early but you can't really blame them for nominating him. "You are worried about two cans of side, I am worried about social standing and prestige!"
5. Marcus - He does talk about sex too much. But he's a smart guy and a good friend for Noirin.
6. Rodrigo - Bit wet but he means well.
7. Karly - Her true colours seem to be coming out as she gets more and more involved in Kris and Lisa's campaign against Freddie.
8. Sophie - Just really thick and pointless.
9. Charlie - See above, but with a bit more nastiness.
10. Kris - Just a knob.
11. Lisa - No redeeming qualities whatsoever.


I want to smell dark matter


1. Noirin - FUCK the haters. It's not her fault she's in there with such immature men who can't handle a pretty girl smiling at them and think it means she's in love with them. I HOPE SHE KILLS THEM ALL WITH HER SEX.
2. Freddie - Gone a bit weird when he goes around asking for hugs and he shouldn't have nominated Noirin (okay, she always nominates him, but she's fit.) But he'll still win.
3. Marcus - Goes from great moments like telling BB off to talking about taking photos of himself taking a shit. Good character.
4. Siavash - So laid back sometimes that he's almost not there.
5. Charlie - Yes things are bad when Charlie's in the top five. It's mainly for the task where he couldn't speak and when he went into the Diary Room and said "I think I did well!" then BB started listing his failures beginning with "six seconds after the task began..." Knob.
6. Rodrigo - "Why you give me this ranking number six? Are you calling me ugly? You are stupid! I GET IRRATIONALLY ANGRY AT YOU!!!"
7. Dogface - Will she develop a personality when Kris goes?
8. Karly - Moody cow (nice ass.)
9. Lisa - Don't care if she hasn't done anything wrong lately, she's still Lisa.


Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Is Noirin a black?
