
I want to smell dark matter
She looks better in the house and that pic might be fake as the nipples don't look like they've been described.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Not hotter than Kinga. No way. Or Janelle from the US version.


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter

1. Noirin - The only one who's actually learning stuff about herself and trying to improve herself.
2. Freddie - Yeah, like, sex, yeah, and stuff.
3. Siavash - By default, really.
4. Rodrigo - Just for comedy value.
5. Marucs - Turning into a controlling dickhead.
6. Charlie - Wahey man etc.
7. Sophie - Pointless.
9. Lisa - Scum.



Boobie inspector
I just cant seem to bring myself to watch this year, sorry, maybe when they are down to their last six people or so.

I think they spoiled the format when they started the housemates with more than ten and just dragged the thing on forever


I want to smell dark matter
It'll be the final week by the time it's six people. I do agree that it goes on for too long now.


I want to smell dark matter

2. Freddie - Says "mmm" a lot.
3. Siavash - Now a Noirin lover. About time too.
4. Bea - Not quite as innocent as people thought at first. Quite crafty I think, but she ruined Kenneth so that's good.
5. Charlie - His nomination of Freddie for having "really blue eyes" was funny.
6. Sophie - She's alright.
7. Rodrigo - What a weird little freak.
8. David - Has an annoying voice.
9. Marcus - JUST GET OVER HER.
10. Tom - Reminds me of Ziggy.
11. Hira - Does she even exist?
12. Kenneth - He'll have me killed for not rating him higher.
13. Lisa - AAAAAAAH.



Is this real life?
Good list. I'd swap David and Hira, though. Hira's nice, even if she's a bit thick and doesn't do much. David's just plain annoying.


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah, David is down a few places especially after badmouthing Noirin with Lisa tonight.


I want to smell dark matter

1. Noirin - Okay, she shouldn't have told Sophie about fancying Tom even after kissing Siavash. Or compared herself to Jesus. Or been unclear with Siavash (THOUGH I BLAME HIM FOR THAT.) But she's still Noirin and she's still the best bloody housemate by far and she deserves to stay in, but won't since I'm supporting her, FUCK YOU BRITAIN.
2. Freddie - "MMMMMMMMM." When will he figure out Bea's going to stab him in the back for the hundred grand!?
3. Marcus - His controlling and delusional behaviour towards Noirin pisses me the fuck off and I want him evicted because of it, but he can be unintionally amusing. What, have you never seen Adrian Mole?
4. Sophie - Why not, eh? She hasn't done anything bad lately.
5. Bea - She's a schemer for sure. But at least she does it in an intellectual way.
6. Rodrigo - Why you no have me at number one? Why you say I act like a child?
7. Siavash - He tried to come across as all cool and mysterious, but he's really just a spineless mumbler. Gets points for being the only guy to have sexual contact with Noirin though.
8. Charlie - THE WHOLE TIME.
9. Hira - It was kind of sweet of her to nominate Siavash out of loyalty to Noirin, even though it made no sense.
10. Lisa - That's right, there's finaly someone WORSE than Lisa.
11. David - The worst housemate in the history of Big Brother.


I want to smell dark matter

1. Marcus - So, ladies are you all "strumming it to the old Dark Horse"? He's a total mongtard, but he's the most entertaining one in there.
2. Hira - I can't help but like housemates like Hira. It's refreshing to have someone genuinely sweet with no hidden motives in there with a shower of bastards. Sure, she's a bit thick and annoying (maybe the language barrier are a part of that) but she cried real tears at the thought of Rodrigo writing a letter to the queen, for fuck's sake. She's an angel.
3. Siavash - I've made no secret of the fact that he pisses me off, but I do think he's generally a nice guy who just wants everyone to get on and means well and shit. And mumbles a lot.
4. Charlie - THE WHOLE TIME!
5. Rodrigo - Why the queen no write me back? She no know who I am!?
6. Sophie - Funny how she was on "Team Marcus" last week and now she can't stand being near him.
7. Freddie - How the mighty have fallen. MMMMM.
8. David - He's harmless, just thicker than Charlie, Sophie and Hira stuck together by reall thick porridge.
9. Lisa - She's horrible.
10. Bea - There's been signs of her nastiness all along, but I at least thought she was intelligent up until her "science fiction and google kill people!" speech. And she's a moon hoaxer. And she thinks Prince Philip was the King and that he's dead (and if she was joking then she was trying to make fun of ignorant foreigner Rodrigo, which is just as bad.) Plus she got Freddie to ask her if she fancied him then acted all offended afterwarsds even though she'd obviously known what he'd say. And she's a dick.


I want to smell dark matter

1. Marcus - With Noirin going two weeks ago, the lovely Hira last week and now Marcus guaranteed to leave on Friday, it seems whoever I support is doomed. Maybe I should become a Bea fan. I'll miss you, Dark Horse. See you on the internet.
2. Sophie - By default, really, as she can be nice and cute, but she's not really all that great.
3. Freddie - Much as he's pissed me off lately I did feel sorry for him when he was having his panic attack over Bea(tch).
4. Siavash - Marcus was right about how he gets away with things Freddie gets demonised for.
5. Rodrigo - It was nice of him to show sympathy for Freddie after the Bea thing. They're putting a queen impersonator in to fool him as part of a task. I hope when he finds out she's a fake he kicks shit out of her.
6. David - Fat cunt.
7. Charlie - THE WHOLE TIME.
8. Lisa - Just so thick and annoying.
9. Bea - I think I hate her more than Luke. That's a lot of hate.


Is this real life?
I could never hate a BB housemate more than I hated Luke. I still despise him a year on. :phpevil:


I want to smell dark matter
I bet he hides outside Rachel's house, waiting for the moment when she stabs Mikey in the back for the hundred grand.


Is this real life?
It's a good thing Mikey didn't win the 'oondred grand, he only would have got caviar stuck to his face.


I want to smell dark matter

1. Marcus - He wasn't evicted!
2. Sophie - I don't even know why!
3. Rodrigo - He's a big baby at times but he's likable when he's not.
4. Siavash - "Biggie...I'm taking myself out of the game...WHAT, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'VE PUNISHED ME IN AN UNEXPECTED WAY, YOU NEVER DO THAT!"
5. David - Shouts too much.
6. Lisa - Still don't want her getting to the final.
7. Charlie - He's a right cunt.
8. Bea - I can't remember the last time I rated her this low!