I had a heart attack Tuesday


King of Sarcasm
and spent 3 days in the hospital. Got a stent put in. As far as heart attacks go this was very mild with little heart damage. This is one life experience that I wont complain that I recieved the lame side of the thrill.


on a break from forums
and spent 3 days in the hospital. Got a stent put in. As far as heart attacks go this was very mild with little heart damage. This is one life experience that I wont complain that I recieved the lame side of the thrill.

Oh, so this is what you were referring to!! HOLY SHIT!!!! Wow that sucks!!! I'm sorry that happened!!!! Hope you feel better!!!!!!!

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
This is why I cannot stress enough regular exercise and a healthy diet.


King of Sarcasm
Thanks everyone. I feel much better now just a lot of soreness from the operation. They go through the groin into an artery that goes to the heart to put the stent in. I felt chest pain and sweated a lot Tuesday evening for about 15 minutes then I felt OK. At that point I called my doctor and then drove myself to the hospital. Within 10 minutes I was being given pills and signing forms while people were working on me and then they wheeled me off to this operating room where the procedure was done. I was my sarcastic self in the operating room cracking jokes with the nurses. :) Then I had to keep my right leg straight for the next 20 hours, 10 of them with a sandbag on top of the incision area.
Well I have started a new era in my life, one that does not include cigarettes, fried foods, salt, and the rest of the bad things. I was eating healthy and excersizing for a number of years now but I think my younger years set the stage for this. Well its over and my heart feels great now, I hope it doesnt happen again.


King of Sarcasm
This is why I cannot stress enough regular exercise and a healthy diet.

A lot of things people do as kids haunt them later in life. I knew a couple of women over the years that died of skin cancer because they were into tanning when they were teenagers. Stuff can show up decades later.


on a break from forums
A lot of things people do as kids haunt them later in life. I knew a couple of women over the years that died of skin cancer because they were into tanning when they were teenagers. Stuff can show up decades later.

Yeah I'm probably fucked. I guarantee I've done something that is going to wind up killing me before I'm old.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Have a speedy recovery and many happy salads!

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
and spent 3 days in the hospital. Got a stent put in. As far as heart attacks go this was very mild with little heart damage. This is one life experience that I wont complain that I recieved the lame side of the thrill.

Wow, Dogbert. I hope you're on the mend. That's a scary thing.


Let's fuck some shit up
Let this be a lesson to all of you. The hazards of bacon aren't to be taken lightly. Dogbert, my sympathies go you to you. I'd suggest switching to turkey bacon. It's much better for you.


Be patient till the last.
oh, Dogbert. I'm glad you're OK. Like everyone else here I wish you a speedy and full recovery, and that you'll be back [STRIKE]trolling[/STRIKE] er - browsing the Internets soon!. Each day at a time, my friend.
Also, you and I have many more years of making bad guesses on the ponies yet! :)


King of Sarcasm
Let this be a lesson to all of you. The hazards of bacon aren't to be taken lightly. Dogbert, my sympathies go you to you. I'd suggest switching to turkey bacon. It's much better for you.

I switched over to much of the better stuff a few years back so the new diet wont be much of a shock. The problem was what I ate back in the 1960's and 70's. I grew up on the greasy food of the day and have many fond memories of trips to Yankee Doodle Dandy and Jack in the Box and turkey bacon wasnt even an idea back then. Grandma used to make the best mayonaisse sandwedges. :)


King of Sarcasm
oh, Dogbert. I'm glad you're OK. Like everyone else here I wish you a speedy and full recovery, and that you'll be back [STRIKE]trolling[/STRIKE] er - browsing the Internets soon!. Each day at a time, my friend.
Also, you and I have many more years of making bad guesses on the ponies yet! :)

Thanks curious, I feel like my heart was given new spark plugs! :)


King of Sarcasm
Thanks to everyone else too. Oh and just to let you all know, I did make the "machine that goes bing" comment while in the emergency room. :)

Love Child

One Love
A lot of things people do as kids haunt them later in life. I knew a couple of women over the years that died of skin cancer because they were into tanning when they were teenagers. Stuff can show up decades later.

I know this all to well. Good Luck to You Dogbert, thanks for sharing your story.