I hate chicken sandwiches...


RIP 1970~2018
I have this theory that everything at McDonalds is made out of the same basic paste type concoction. Fries, 'fish', 'beef', chicken, buns, shakes everything. It's just shaped differently and cooked for different amounts of time and at different temperatures. If you eat slowly and taste carefully you'll notice everything tastes very similar.


RIP 1970~2018
Why are there no chicken omlettes. Don't believe me? Check it out! srsly.

I would not eat the flesh of a creature cooked in the liquified remains of it's own young.

Sure I'm a sick fuck, but I gotta draw the line somewhere.


I love you
Read Fast Food Nation and you will not want to eat fast food again. Not that you wanted to in the first place.

Right? Right? I mean you never eat there on purpose do you?


RIP 1970~2018
Read Fast Food Nation and you will not want to eat fast food again. Not that you wanted to in the first place.

Right? Right? I mean you never eat there on purpose do you?

When my wife was a little girl growing up in Gothenburg Sweden the day came when the first McDonalds opened. Her Dad, who had since passed away, bought her her very first American hamburger which was a Big Mac.

She has a deep emotional connection to this horrible burger. So I can usually get away with avoiding McDonalds for as many as a couple months before she starts bugging me to get her a big mac. I usually end up choking my way through a six piece 'chicken' mcnuggets that they assure me are made with all white meat. Which, for all I know, could be pork.

Anybody ever tried a mcrib? That just might be the worst 'food' on the planet.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
The Big Mac is my favorite McDonald's burger.

I used to go for months without ever eating fast food, but since my grandma has to go to dialysis three times a week I find myself eating fast food at least once a week. I feel myself dying a little with every bite.

Dr Dave

I am not a fan of the Big Mac.

I like cheese burgers, quarter pounders.

Sometimes I order their fish sandwich, but not very often any more.


RIP 1970~2018
I will grudgingly admit the angus third pounders aren't that bad. It tastes a little more like a hamburger joint burger then fast food. You gotta be hungry though. Its a lot of food.

Dr Dave

Its not gross, its just shite compared to Bomber's chicken wings and burritos or the food at the Golden Corral.

I am not familiar with that establishment.

I will grudgingly admit the angus third pounders aren't that bad. It tastes a little more like a hamburger joint burger then fast food. You gotta be hungry though. Its a lot of food.

I am not a fan of those. I can't remember what the deal was, I just remember I was not satisfied with it. Might just have been an isolated incident, but at the price they charge, I am not willing to try one again.


RIP 1970~2018
I am not familiar with that establishment.

I am not a fan of those. I can't remember what the deal was, I just remember I was not satisfied with it. Might just have been an isolated incident, but at the price they charge, I am not willing to try one again.

Yeah price is certainly the problem with that burger. Something like $4 each. Bullshit.


I want to smell dark matter
I hate sandwich chickens.


Pinata Whacker

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I don't eat McD's much anymore because there isn't one within a short walking distance. And while they do deliver, it's never worth it as the food arrives cold and mushy. But the $1 McChicken is a decent gut-filler when you're broke and drunk. I order it without mayo, which cuts the fat and calories by half.

Ranch 1 is a local f-f chain that makes great chicken sandwiches, and chicken anything in fact. But nowadays I only order from local restaurants, where the food is still fattening and/or fried, but the ingredients are fresher.