I just had a random thought

That too. But you fail to share your randy or random thought. Unless your post was your random thought in which case you passed the test just fine. There was no test. I am just typing. I have no random thoughts either. I hate this thread.
Yeah I know. I got a reprieve anyway so I'm happy now. About 30 minutes or so until dinner. Feel kinda guilty I'm not downstairs helping her make dinner though. But that not that guilty since I'm going food shopping all afternoon on Thursday with her.
I love this thread! That is not my random thought. I have none. All of my thoughts mean something, come from somewhere and are connected in some way or another.
Well then I will not tell you how glad I am that you found your way back here. I will not grill you on WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!
Oh yes
I like that random thought
oh yes
that one too
and that one
that one a little to the left
right there
oh god yes
fuck yes
thank you Homo Erectus
Of course. Yes absolutely.
I mean maybe we could even take a drive.
Into the country
or down a mountain
or across the borders