Troll Kingdom

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I Request Changes

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You really want to fight for the Badlands, Love Child? Convince MM to drop all this crap. She probably forgot about all this anyway or doesnt care anymore.
The spirit behind the whole thing has been lost.

Everyone who posts here regularly knows who really contributes and cares about the Badlands. Those are the real Badlanders. A name on a bogus list of citizens is a mockery. That doesnt make you a Badlander. Any asshole with a voucher can throw their hat in the ring. Only those who have proven their selves of having the Badlands best intentions in mind should even be able to run. Peope with multiple nominations by respected Badlanders. None of this complicated shit like we have now.

Originally, didnt we want two mods to to be able to fight back against people like Cow? Wheres the threat now? Its from within, with the Spamstitution and this election crap.

I beg to differ. The Spamstitution allows us to be elitists and it provides for the very thing the Badlands lives for: drama. I've purposefully railroaded all of the previous elections because it amused me and it created drama. Hell, your post proves me right. I won't be railroading this election... for various reasons. However, as for your claim that anyone with a voucher can become a citizen, that's not true. We've managed to keep several people off that list who aren't pro-badlanders. There are even rules in the Spamstitution which allow for that sort of protection. Cow and caco aren't on the list any more, are they? I rest my case.
I beg to differ. The Spamstitution allows us to be elitists and it provides for the very thing the Badlands lives for: drama.
Elistism isnt my thing. There would drama without the Spamstitution. Its on water skies now, has already jumped boring, and is quickly headed for its next target.

I've purposefully railroaded all of the previous elections because it amused me and it created drama. Hell, your post proves me right. I won't be railroading this election... for various reasons.
Railroaded elections prove my point. The whole things a sham. Besides, railroaded or not, the mods havnt been changed.

However, as for your claim that anyone with a voucher can become a citizen, that's not true. We've managed to keep several people off that list who aren't pro-badlanders.
I meant 'throw their hat in the ring' as in running for mod. The citizen list is chalk full of unqualified idiots that can run. You or LC with your zillion duals can lulz any one of them in position.

There are even rules in the Spamstitution which allow for that sort of protection.
and probably a loop hole around that when it suits a purpose.

Cow and caco aren't on the list any more, are they? I rest my case.
If they had posted once a month, they still would be. Not a strong argument.
The spirit behind the whole thing has been lost.

Everyone who posts here regularly knows who really contributes and cares about the Badlands. Those are the real Badlanders. A name on a bogus list of citizens is a mockery. That doesnt make you a Badlander. Any asshole with a voucher can throw their hat in the ring. Only those who have proven their selves of having the Badlands best intentions in mind should even be able to run. Peope with multiple nominations by respected Badlanders. None of this complicated shit like we have now.

Originally, didnt we want two mods to to be able to fight back against people like Cow? Wheres the threat now? Its from within, with the Spamstitution and this election crap.

You know Kitty, ever since you've been back I've done my best to ignore you, because you're an annoying piece of shit. But ever since you followed Pickle back here, you've done nothing but bitch and moan about TK, the Badlands etc. About how it's "not like the good 'ol days" and how everything here sucks. If it sucks so fucking bad, go somewhere else! Stop pissing on everyone else's cornflakes. If you don't like it, change it. Post something useful, do SOMETHING. But for God's sake, quit your bitching!
You know Kitty, ever since you've been back I've done my best to ignore you, because you're an annoying piece of shit.
Wheres the fun it that?

But ever since you followed Pickle back here, you've done nothing but bitch and moan about TK, the Badlands etc. About how it's "not like the good 'ol days" and how everything here sucks. If it sucks so fucking bad, go somewhere else! Stop pissing on everyone else's cornflakes. If you don't like it, change it. Post something useful, do SOMETHING. But for God's sake, quit your bitching!
Like Conchaga said, the Badlands likes its drama. You you want happy, fluffy bull shit, YOU can always go somewhere else. The Minefield is directly next door.

Dont tell me you only like conflict when several other members have already started assaulting your safe target of choice, say like Aguehonga.
*strokes Kitty*

Tell me, has anything of interest or note occurred in these, MY Badlands, in the past few years?

I request Cliff Notes.
LC or Pickle will undoubtedly remember more than I do and would be able to recount it all better.

There was the tyranny of GTC. Over the cource in several months, he fake deleted the Badlands, changed the layout of include scat girls and penis monsters, making the entire forum white, moronic flooding, he merged the Minefield and Badlands, etc.

Invasion of Falconarg, an amusing slightly retarded kid and MMs personal pool boy. Hes welcome back.

Caca err Caco as mod. She destroyed threads, merged a bunch of bullshit, etc. She basically hit random buttons for the lulz.

Elections and the Spamstituion. The taming of the Badlands. Law in Order for the Spam forum. Pickle, LC, Loktar, Yub, Dual and a few of the rest of us like myself Dershocka and J&L somewhat legitimized the Badlands. We demanded recognization and equal treatment, and this is of what we got instead. Careful what you wish for.

The Badlands had its ups and downs. For a few months, only Pickle, Loktar, J&L and myself posted down here. Currently a lot of members post here regularly (always a good thing) although the vibe isnt as edgy. Hopefully, the newer members would soon realize the elections are just a more passive aggressive way to fuck with us down here.
GTC is a useless tool. GTC and Cac - together - barely make one functioning cerebral palsy patient.

I remember some of that. (The deletion, certainly, not the scat or penis montsters (RAWR!))

Dershocka was alright. I heard Ilyanna grabbed a modship. Then she left to pursue higher education. (Good for her!) Not sure I trust Conchage to sit the right way on a toilet seat. (Where's Pickle's artwork on last year's Halloween project, 'chaga?) Don't care much for any silly arbitrary "taming" or Law and Order in these Badlands. That's why it's called the Badlands, right? The implication being lax rules, and a seat-of-the-pants posting sensibility. It's not called the Nice-and-Quiet-Let's-Have-Tea-and-Consensual-Missionary-Sex Lands for a reason, bitches!

As for merging Badlands w/ Mine Field.... talk about oil and water!

As for equal treatment... Fuck it. We will never be equal. We're the underdogs, the bottom of the totem pole, the flotsam and jetsam... the unwashed, unwanted and misunderstood...

Perception is reality, Kitty. As long as they think we're the fuck-ups, we always will be. As long as they see us as less, and irrelevant, then we can operate as we will UNDETERRED, free to fuck things up in our own indeterminable fashion. What we need is LESS oversight, less attention, and the ability to just BE.
How's the view from Pickle's ass? You spend enough time there.

Rly? Two posts and almost 24 hours later, and the best you can come up with is to mimic me?


Plz. Dont stop insulting. Believe me when I say that Im laughing due to fear.
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