Troll Kingdom

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I Request Changes

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Perception is reality, Kitty. As long as they think we're the fuck-ups, we always will be. As long as they see us as less, and irrelevant, then we can operate as we will UNDETERRED, free to fuck things up in our own indeterminable fashion. What we need is LESS oversight, less attention, and the ability to just BE.
We wanted the Badlands to stop getting monthly prunings. That was the equal treatment sought after.

Also, I forgot to mention SpamCapital, the Badlands Windmill. Best thread ever.
Ugh... multiquotes....

Elistism isnt my thing. There would drama without the Spamstitution. Its on water skies now, has already jumped boring, and is quickly headed for its next target.

That's why I decided to stop railroading it.

Railroaded elections prove my point. The whole things a sham. Besides, railroaded or not, the mods havnt been changed.

The only one doing any railroading around here has been me, not the admins. They've left us alone to govern ourselves. Which, has been the real sham because nobody seems to care or want to govern ourselves. And that sort of behavior is why the admins thought they could fuck with us.

I meant 'throw their hat in the ring' as in running for mod. The citizen list is chalk full of unqualified idiots that can run. You or LC with your zillion duals can lulz any one of them in position.

For the record, I only have one dual on the citizens list. If you want to talk about having tons of dummy accounts, go speak with Dork Lord, Love Child, Dual, and Dirk Funk. They each have a minimum of four accounts on that list.

and probably a loop hole around that when it suits a purpose.

Yes, there is, and after this next election LC and I agreed we'd sit down and do a little editing.

If they had posted once a month, they still would be. Not a strong argument.

No, I would've found a way to get rid of Cow eventually. Caco's not so bad, really.
Hopefully, the newer members would soon realize the elections are just a more passive aggressive way to fuck with us down here.

You really think that, don't you? I've been posting on TK for a long time and I can tell you you're very wrong. What's going on in the Badlands is unprecedented for TK.
Not sure I trust Conchage to sit the right way on a toilet seat. (Where's Pickle's artwork on last year's Halloween project, 'chaga?)

He and I worked that out. But thanks for bringing it up.

Don't care much for any silly arbitrary "taming" or Law and Order in these Badlands. That's why it's called the Badlands, right? The implication being lax rules, and a seat-of-the-pants posting sensibility. It's not called the Nice-and-Quiet-Let's-Have-Tea-and-Consensual-Missionary-Sex Lands for a reason, bitches!

I'm gonna be catty for a moment. It's not your Badlands KC. If anything, it belongs to Mirah and Gonad. Also, I'm one of the founders of the Mine Field. It's completely different than when I started posting there. But, you don't see me going around, complaining that they're not following my example, do you? Know why? Because it's not my board. I just post here for fun. Taking shit seriously, like you and Kitty seem to be doing, is what ruins this shit. My advice is to sit down, shut up, and enjoy the show. If you don't have anything to contribute, I'd really suggest shutting the fuck up.

As for merging Badlands w/ Mine Field.... talk about oil and water!

They're not so different, if you think about it. The main difference is that we allow for infighting and malice.

As for equal treatment... Fuck it. We will never be equal. We're the underdogs, the bottom of the totem pole, the flotsam and jetsam... the unwashed, unwanted and misunderstood...

Perception is reality, Kitty. As long as they think we're the fuck-ups, we always will be. As long as they see us as less, and irrelevant, then we can operate as we will UNDETERRED, free to fuck things up in our own indeterminable fashion. What we need is LESS oversight, less attention, and the ability to just BE.

Nobody thinks that any more. The Mine Fielders actually kinda like us and we like them. Eggs, Wacky, Curious, and Gagh post over here quite a good bit. Wake up and smell the evolution.
Ugh... multiquotes....

That's why I decided to stop railroading it.
As you said, the admins dont seem to care either way. Even with an honest election, theres no guarantees the mods will change.

The only one doing any railroading around here has been me, not the admins. They've left us alone to govern ourselves. Which, has been the real sham because nobody seems to care or want to govern ourselves. And that sort of behavior is why the admins thought they could fuck with us.
I never thought the Badlands needed governing. Thats part of the appeal that drew me here in the first place. It just is. All the chaos seems to ring its own harmony. It didnt need governing then, and it doesnt now.

For the record, I only have one dual on the citizens list. If you want to talk about having tons of dummy accounts, go speak with Dork Lord, Love Child, Dual, and Dirk Funk. They each have a minimum of four accounts on that list.
DFs votes are LCs votes.

Yes, there is, and after this next election LC and I agreed we'd sit down and do a little editing.
If suggestions really are taked into consideration, one vote per IP would be a good start.

No, I would've found a way to get rid of Cow eventually. Caco's not so bad, really.
I cant complain that they were citizens. I had vouched for either one or both of them.

As you said, the admins dont seem to care either way. Even with an honest election, theres no guarantees the mods will change.

Believe it or not, mm keeps her word. Have some faith.

I never thought the Badlands needed governing. Thats part of the appeal that drew me here in the first place. It just is. All the chaos seems to ring its own harmony. It didnt need governing then, and it doesnt now.

It doesn't need governing, per se. It needs janitors who won't take advantage of their position. Caco was a mini-tyrant who didn't know what was going on down here, nor did she care. She arbitrarily trimmed and pruned valid stuff, because she wasn't a real badlander and didn't know what was going on. So, we asked for people who do know what's going on, and we got elections. It's pretty fair, actually.

DFs votes are LCs votes.

Your point is? I jumped on that train a few months ago. If you had stuck around, you might've seen that.

If suggestions really are taken into consideration, one vote per IP would be a good start.

That's no fun. Where's the political powerhousing? Besides, doing that will expose a lot of duals. That's not something mm or any mod or admin on TK has ever done. I'm pretty sure it's policy to keep their mouths shut. Yeah, someone lets it slip here and there, but it's at a rate of one per year.
Taking shit seriously, like you and Kitty seem to be doing, is what ruins this shit.
I dont want to speaking on KCs behalf, but for me personally,
I rarely assume anyone at TK is serious about anything, especially when it appears as if they are.
Believe it or not, mm keeps her word. Have some faith.
I dont know her very well, but I wouldnt put anything past her. Id rather error on the side of caution.

It doesn't need governing, per se. It needs janitors who won't take advantage of their position. Caco was a mini-tyrant who didn't know what was going on down here, nor did she care. She arbitrarily trimmed and pruned valid stuff, because she wasn't a real badlander and didn't know what was going on. So, we asked for people who do know what's going on, and we got elections. It's pretty fair, actually.
No arguments about Caco.

I was hoping to see those who put the most stock into the Badlands to mod it. People like LC and Pickle.

I highly doubt the original intentions behind the elections were for the Badlands benefit. Id guess that some were hoping we'd end up with another Caco. It could still happen.

Your point is? I jumped on that train a few months ago. If you had stuck around, you might've seen that.
I thought the statement needed no further explaination.

Too bad I wasnt around to see it.

That's no fun. Where's the political powerhousing? Besides, doing that will expose a lot of duals. That's not something mm or any mod or admin on TK has ever done. I'm pretty sure it's policy to keep their mouths shut. Yeah, someone lets it slip here and there, but it's at a rate of one per year.
Alliances, Bullying, etc. Allowing one person to have 15 votes isnt the only way to achieve political power housing.
Yes, mm can be fickle at times, but she rarely does that to a group of people. She prefers to torment singular people like me and Gagh, because she's the only one on the board who can really piss us off. When it comes to the members of TK, she usually trolls them by allowing certain people to stay (Grammour Boy, Falconarg, Blackfoot, etc). In the case of Falconarg, she just made sure he had infinite karma to piss everyone off. She didn't mess with posts. Or with the general running of the board.

Now, about the Pickle issue... I don't know exactly what happened there, but mm wouldn't have fired him unless she had a good reason. However, since the story remains between them, all we can do is just sit here and speculate.

As for the political powerhousing, I'd just suggest registering more duals or playing the politics game, by kissing LC's ass. Either way, it's just fun and we don't lose anything from the whole exercise. Well, we almost did when everyone foolishly voted for Falconarg, but I think we've learned our lesson. And, I guess that's the lesson we need to learn. We have our little microcosm down here and nobody really fucks with it except for ourselves. When the majority of people complain about a system, it will get changed. However, right now, most people seem to not really mind the mod elections. In fact, several of us enjoy it.
I'm gonna be catty for a moment. It's not your Badlands KC. If anything, it belongs to Mirah and Gonad. Also, I'm one of the founders of the Mine Field. It's completely different than when I started posting there. But, you don't see me going around, complaining that they're not following my example, do you? Know why? Because it's not my board. I just post here for fun. Taking shit seriously, like you and Kitty seem to be doing, is what ruins this shit. My advice is to sit down, shut up, and enjoy the show. If you don't have anything to contribute, I'd really suggest shutting the fuck up.

All better now?

Seriously, man, try the decaf.

Of course these aren't MY Badlands, silly little monkey. My influence and interest at TK are long since dried up. I came over here to see what a couple people were up to. Mission accomplished. However, that doesn't mean I can't fling crap and whine in a melodramatic fashion like the rest of youse.

Ultimately, I'm only interested in the real. TK is not real. The Badlands are most certainly not real. Hell, anything I post here is NOT REAL. And anyone who thinks so has deeper issues than whatever their perception of me might be. And whether you and Pickle resolved things or not, it would have been nice to see your art. That's real. That's the way it is.

Now quit yer yammerin and show us your tits.
Sorry, but look: You are ALL my brothers and sisters! No amount of legalese mumbo jumbo spamstitution election BULLSHIT will change that. My position remains the same. It's a troll tactic used by mm to divide and conquer us.

You and Kitty each have the ability to argue ANYTHING into the ground. It's a wonderful talent, really. But that doesn't mean I need to personally witness every tiny little detail and facet of it! If I can HEAR a train wreck, I don’t need to watch it.

If I read all that shit, my eyes would bleed: really they would.

OH: and the Badlands doesn’t belong to any of us, but encompasses us all. The Badlands is bigger than all things, EVEN TK!
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