Troll Kingdom

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I woke Up

Dirk's always good for a laugh.

Dirk, you still haven't explained how poking fun at you is considered squirming. I'm dying to know.

It's very simple, Kitty. Watching your reaction to a few poses and then trying to divine my reasons for doing so is really amusing. You truly are too easy. I'll bet if I started posing Luci or Aquedouche you'd dance even more for me.
It's very simple, Kitty. Watching your reaction to a few poses and then trying to divine my reasons for doing so is really amusing. You truly are too easy. I'll bet if I started posing Luci or Aquedouche you'd dance even more for me.

You're better than a well trained dog, Dirk. Every time I post your name, here you come running. Who's dancing for who?
I actually ignore a great deal of your barbs, Kitty. I happened to be already posting in this thread.

Back to your other statement, it's been explained to you multiple times that most of the drama here is fake. Even as I tell you this, you still won't get it and won't believe me.

I don't dislike you. I find you amusing. I could just as easily start being nice to you tomorrow, but that wouldn't be nearly as much fun. I like to argue, and I like to argue with you. You're easily riled up, and you take all this just a bit too seriously. I've told you all this before, as well.

Interpret my posts and reactions any way you want. As long as it keeps you arguing with me, justify it to yourself any way you want to. Even if you ignore me, I'll get my lulz off that, too. You're fucked either way.

I know you hear the music, but it's not me dancing.
That's just the kind of reaction I was hoping I'd get from you. Either that, or calling me a liar.

There aren't many other choices. There is agreement, disagreement or non response. Any of those you claim to take as a victory.
There aren't many other choices. There is agreement, disagreement or non response. Any of those you claim to take as a victory.

No. I was hoping you'd either call me a liar, or try to flip the script.

You could've disagreed, and stated whatever reasons you wanted. Go with the tried and true "I'm too stupid to understand" or "You don't know my true motives".

You could've ignored the post. You're good at running from threads.

You could've agreed, and maybe even tried to claim this is all just as much a game for you as it is for me.

You instead went with the passive aggressive playing it off like you've been pulling the strings the whole time. Maybe you poorly choose the word hobby. Do keep it mind that I started flaming and baiting war.

EDIT: War is too strong of a word, but it fits the best. Don't put too much into it.
You're better than a well trained dog, Dirk. Every time I post your name, here you come running. Who's dancing for who?

You could've ignored the post. You're good at running from threads.

As you can see, we would appear to have stumbled upon a contradiction. If Dirk comes running at Kitty's beck and call, the latter statement would be untrue, and vice versa.

What separates man from matter? Matter does not think; matter does not fear. Matter will exist in its component atoms regardless of all else.

What separates the animal from matter? The animal is introduced to a divide matter could never conceive of: Life and death. To steer it towards life, the animal has its instincts of survival. Observe that you'll never see an animal acting in such a way as to bring about its demise, or indeed, against its best interests in the pursuit of life. Sheep and lemmings are two obvious exceptions, but they're too stupid to realise what they're doing.

What separates man from animal? Man loses the survival instinct of the animal; he has the unique capacity for suicide. He quite easily (and often) works against his best interests, serving the eventual goal of his destruction. The faculty man gains over the animal to compensate for his lost primeval instincts is that of the mind, of consciousness.

What is the nature of consciousness? We experience it as logic, as reason, as rationality. If we follow this most basic of paths, we survive. To act against rationality is to follow the course of death, no matter in its directness or degree. Our consciousness is our life, is our reason, is reality.

What is the nature of a contradiction, then? A contradiction of any nature is a denial of reality; servitude towards death. When a man denies his reason and throws himself into the irrational abyss, his consciousness is forfeit, and he becomes lower than a beast, for at least a beast has the instinct of survival. Man without mind is a flailing pile of matter, unaware of what it is, where it is going, or from whence it came, and will serve nothing but its own entropy.
As you can see, we would appear to have stumbled upon a contradiction. If Dirk comes running at Kitty's beck and call, the latter statement would be untrue, and vice versa.
To be quite honest, this is the only part of the thread I read. Normally, I'd agree fully, and admit I painted myself into a corner.

The pattern shows though, I'll post half-assed bait and Dirk will bite without fail in one way or another. After a few back and forth posts, he gets put into check and backs out of the thread. This isn't proven true just using myself as an example. It was a bit disappointing at first, but I've grown to expect it.