If you could speak one name


New Member
and make one living person completely disappear like they never even existed at all, who would it be

(if you can't use a real name due to rules use a screen name)

Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro would be my choice.


moral imperfection
I know, right?
Actually, I'd rather do away with everyone of those idiots who buy that overpriced shit, but you did say one person, so...


New Member
I know, right?
Actually, I'd rather do away with everyone of those idiots who buy that overpriced shit, but you did say one person, so...

It's a who I hate most thread in a troll forum, derailment is inevitable. Please, spew your hatred, it pleases me.


moral imperfection
Hatred towards grown-ups drinking cold tea with colored balls in it? Naaah. More like feeling a healthy dose of arrogance and contempt, really.


New Member
Hatred towards grown-ups drinking cold tea with colored balls in it? Naaah. More like feeling a healthy dose of arrogance and contempt, really.

they should just go all out and stick a krazy straw in there and give you a scratch and sniff sticker when you buy a cup too...


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
hmmmmmmmmm I'll have to think on this.

So. Many. Choices.


Vuhlkansu Wihs

(That encompasses Republicans, libertarians, tea baggers and conservatives)


Forever Empress E

(That encompasses Republicans, libertarians, tea baggers and conservatives)

And don't forget your ultra Democrats and liberals who are so far left they are on the right.


Forever Empress E
I wouldn't want that kind of power. So many people would be gone. If they never existed, neither would their children or their children's children, etc. The planet would be doomed to existence without people on it.


Forever Empress E
Why are you spreading my PI again?

Why do I have to ask the admins again to remove your abuses?


stealth ninja


Forever Empress E
Those are called Independents. For some, there's still some hope.

I don't think there is. The way politics is right now, it is all about hate and being uncooperative to the point it is killing us. Politically obsessed people can't seem to hold a reasonable conversation - regardless of their bent. It is just hate, hate, hate, hate. It is never in this country's best interest that political activist will purposefully sell this country out in order to undermine the person who is sitting as president. That is stupid. It is never in this country's best interest that a political party will sell this country out in order to get votes. That is stupid. There is no hope for any of the political parties at this point.


beer, I want beer
Hate is a poisonous acid that does far more damage to the vessel holding it than to anything it is poured out on. Paraphrasing Twain. ( that's Mark, not Shania, for you haventards that probably didn't know).

An aside for Cody: isn't it ironically funny that the most hardcore right wing/conservative, traditionally Republican states are also the poorest, most backward and under-educated? Go figure.