If you could speak one name


beer, I want beer


New Member
An aside for Cody: isn't it ironically funny that the most hardcore right wing/conservative, traditionally Republican states are also the poorest, most backward and under-educated? Go figure.

Sure, west virginia is a shining example....


Vuhlkansu Wihs
You're retarded beyond the point of qualitative interaction. Please, stop posting.

Obviously not as we are interacting. However I'll agree that it is on a rather retarded level. But I try not to place my style of conversation above the level of the individual I'm interacting with. Some take that as being aloof, indifferent or condescending. I’d prefer that you remain comfortable with the level of intellect that you’ve established for our interaction.


New Member
Obviously not as we are interacting. However I'll agree that it is on a rather retarded level. But I try not to place my style of conversation above the level of the individual I'm interacting with. Some take that as being aloof, indifferent or condescending. I’d prefer that you remain comfortable with the level of intellect that you’ve established for our interaction.

Some individuals, like yourself, correlate intelligence directly with the ability to successfully string together large numbers of multisyllabic words.

I've heard more wisdom spoken in the ebonics dialect than i have ever gleaned from your posts.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
The fact that you are that familiar with AAVE further decreases my estimate of your linguistic capabilities. I am afraid that I am unable to de-elevate myself to that level of discourse.


New Member
The fact that you are that familiar with AAVE further decreases my estimate of your linguistic capabilities. I am afraid that I am unable to de-elevate myself to that level of discourse.

The fact that you are unfamiliar with it shows me you never leave your room, and therefore know nothing about the world outside of the magic internet box on some horizontal surface therein. This disqualifies any opinions you may have as delusional at best.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
I did not say I was unfamiliar with it. I said I refused to drop to that level. What part did you not understand? Reference it and perhaps I can string a phrase together from single syllable words that would be easier for you to understand.


New Member
I did not say I was unfamiliar with it. I said I refused to drop to that level. What part did you not understand? Reference it and perhaps I can string a phrase together from single syllable words that would be easier for you to understand.

The fact that you are familiar with it negates your previous attempt to infer any possibility of lowered intellect on my part from the same knowledge you are in possession of. What it does in fact do is cement my previous opinion of your delusional mentality.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
The fact that you are familiar with it negates your previous attempt to infer any possibility of lowered intellect on my part from the same knowledge you are in possession of. What it does in fact do is cement my previous opinion of your delusional mentality.

Perhaps you should return to your first, best destiny of stalking Jack. It better suits you.


New Member
Perhaps you should return to your first, best destiny of stalking Jack. It better suits you.

I never had to stalk jack, he just turns up sooner or later. Now, back to your narcissistic delusions...

You can not win this one.