If you could speak one name


New Member
I already have.

No sir, you lose:



Vuhlkansu Wihs
You don't understand. I won the moment you called me a faggot. The rest has just been for an amusement.


Forever Empress E
Best thread ever.


Forever Empress E
Na. Cody is an amateur.

Oh, you enjoyed it. Admit it. You were having fun, flexing your language skills a little bit. And, you didn't say "Shut up Henoch" once!


Vuhlkansu Wihs
It was amusing in a juvenile sort of way. The problem with these jack dancers is they show up, they stalk jack a bit, throw a few names out at the members and then crawl back into their cave. I actually miss the ones like Messy that used to at least challenge a bit. Even the Skans were more entertaining than the Cody type are.


New Member
It was amusing in a juvenile sort of way. The problem with these jack dancers is they show up, they stalk jack a bit, throw a few names out at the members and then crawl back into their cave. I actually miss the ones like Messy that used to at least challenge a bit. Even the Skans were more entertaining than the Cody type are.

Actually all bullshit aside you're an interesting poster. Now that I have your attention as something slightly above garden variety how about I clue you in on a little something.

I'm not a comic book collector or a disgruntled stalker who ended up here because of Jack. I came back here for quite another reason altogether. Basically I up and got myself banned from almost all my usual haunts and i'm running short on shitholes.


New Member
Oh, you enjoyed it. Admit it. You were having fun, flexing your language skills a little bit. And, you didn't say "Shut up Henoch" once!

I was enjoying it, I admit. It's kinda nice having a articulate exchange without resorting to vulgarities from time to time. I type faggot so much my gkey was the first to rub off.


New Member
I can't wit to hear your "facts".

Now, back to the fun.

You said that people so far to the left they were actually right were of the best sort or something similar, while you are entitled to that opinion you are in fact wrong. If one is so far to the left that they cease to be a viable member of the Democratic Party that would make them a Socialist/Marxist and therefore the enemy of my government. The instant you do that you become a huge faggot in my opinion. My OP ITT covers the biggest faggot to ever set foot on capital hill, and I find it appalling that he has not met a demise involving what enthusiasts of my favorite hobby would term "pink mist".

Your rebuttal, sir.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Sorry, I do have a life away from Trollkingdom.

As for a rebuttal, what I said was that there was hope for those that consider themselves to be independents. In my experience, and that's as a recovering conservertive, Libertarians, Tea baggers, conservatives and Republicans are all tenticles of the same beast and as such, are being absorbed by the more radical elements of the tea party. Independents on the other hand, are more middle of the road but still tend to lean slightly right. That's of course is changing as more old school Republicans are being driven from the Republican party and seeking refuge with the Democratic party or as Independents. As for a politicians sexual preference, I don't really care. I base representatives on accomplishments, values and honesty. Not of their personal lives.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Actually, I have to add a caveat to that last. I don't base representatives on their personal lives until they do something that becomes center stage over their political accomplishments or ability to do their job.


New Member
Sorry, I do have a life away from Trollkingdom.

As for a rebuttal, what I said was that there was hope for those that consider themselves to be independents. In my experience, and that's as a recovering conservertive, Libertarians, Tea baggers, conservatives and Republicans are all tenticles of the same beast and as such, are being absorbed by the more radical elements of the tea party. Independents on the other hand, are more middle of the road but still tend to lean slightly right. That's of course is changing as more old school Republicans are being driven from the Republican party and seeking refuge with the Democratic party or as Independents. As for a politicians sexual preference, I don't really care. I base representatives on accomplishments, values and honesty. Not of their personal lives.

Then it would appear I misinterpreted your first post. I took it quite differently. Also, faggot in the internet sense of the word, not the slanderous literal definition.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
did you finish your sentence?