If you could speak one name


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What if you punch them so hard they fall back and crack their skull on the cement floor with a loud THOCK and then have a brain concussion and become paraplegic?


Forever Empress E
How's your Sunday going Wheezie? I had an all nighter last night for work. Much fun. Just woke up and am having some coffee. Sunny but cold here today. Going to uncover the wood, and then do some chores and take the dog for a walk in the Weissner Woods.

I really want to just sit and watch football all day and doze. Used to be able to stay up all night easily.

Out of sorts, kind of. Been sitting with a teenager and away from home this weekend. Not my kitchen. Not my bed. Not my stuff. Not my cats. It is okay. I'll be going home this afternoon and will be back into my comfort zone.

Been trying to read one of my new member's writing. I'm not going to say it is bad. First thing I'm going to do is talk to him about manuscript preparation. Second thing I'm going to do is burn his thesaurus. Then I'm going to put a great big red slash mark through the first 35 of his 60 pages with a note that says "the story starts here" in the middle of page 36. I'm not going to correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation at this point. When he sent this stuff to me, he billed himself as a published author, said he wanted candor and honesty on his work, and asked me "Can I write?" My answer is, "yes, you can stuff a great many obscure and archaic words into a single paragraph very well." Generally, he needs to rethink his storytelling style as well as work on his character and plot development. Telling me about a one dimensional person sitting unbathed and grieving in a chair on a front porch overlooking an ocean with a far distant horizon swirling coffee in a cup for 35 pages while the point of view switches back and forth at random with a second one dimensional character, that should be pivotal to what I think may be this story, and using as many obscure, archaic, and high faluting words as they can possible shove into every single sentence is not actually ruining my day but is giving me a mild headache.

I think I'm going to put all this aside for a bit and go out for lunch.

Sounds like you are having a nice day. The weather is nice here too. Take some pictures of the woods and post them.


New Member
What you would do and what I would do are not always going to be the same things. Personally, I find physical violence non-effective. You hit a person, maybe they recover, it is over. In many cases, that is punishment that does not fit the crime.

Being a faggot always deserves a punch in the face.



New Member
What if you punch them so hard they fall back and crack their skull on the cement floor with a loud THOCK and then have a brain concussion and become paraplegic?

Well thats when you have to take it to the next level. This is what a burner is for.


Pinata Whacker
For example, I wonder if Loktar would harass, ridicule, and impersonate my brother if he met my brother offline.

No. But I'm lonely and get bored easily and think about how I'm most likely never going to meet any of you in real life and sometimes I momentarily forget that there are real people with real feelings behind the usernames. The difference between me and Onyx is that I do eventually feel guilty and sorry for my actions and do apologize.


New Member
No. But I'm lonely and get bored easily and think about how I'm most likely never going to meet any of you in real life and sometimes I momentarily forget that there are real people with real feelings behind the usernames. The difference between me and Onyx is that I do eventually feel guilty and sorry for my actions and do apologize.



New Member

Anybody here speak sleestak?


beer, I want beer
Well I for one would much prefer to punch a faggit in the face than just bitch at them on a message board.

That's a fantastic idea. Start with this fag.


Also, please have someone film it. You know, for next of kin.


beer, I want beer


beer, I want beer
semantics, when i call you a faggit i mean youre a real faggot, not a gay.

Louis ck covered all that nicely awhile back.
See, here's the funny thing about shock comedians. They say the most stupid, outrageous shit they can think of...for a laugh. That's why they call them jokes. And what makes that type of humor doubly effective is that they know there's always some idiot in the audience who will totally buy in to whatever it is they said as if it makes perfect sense. They're not laughing with you, Cody. You're THAT guy. The one missing the joke part.


New Member
See, here's the funny thing about shock comedians. They say the most stupid, outrageous shit they can think of...for a laugh. That's why they call them jokes. And what makes that type of humor doubly effective is that they know there's always some idiot in the audience who will totally buy in to whatever it is they said as if it makes perfect sense. They're not laughing with you, Cody. You're THAT guy. The one missing the joke part.

donovan, in your perfect world everyone would talk to each other like they do in Demolition Man. now quit being a faggot and suck that dick.