If you could speak one name


Forever Empress E
There just aren't any political organizations I feel comfortable supporting at this point. I should look into them because it is a civic responsibility to help choose the leadership that is leading the country but all the candidates suck and the parties they are associated with suck equally as much. They start talking and my eyes roll back in my head. I feel like at any minute I'm going to turn into Linda Blair, my head rotating on my neck, and spewing pea soup. Where did the people who cared about this country go? Were they outsourced to China or India or some other foreign country too?


New Member
There just aren't any political organizations I feel comfortable supporting at this point. I should look into them because it is a civic responsibility to help choose the leadership that is leading the country but all the candidates suck and the parties they are associated with suck equally as much. They start talking and my eyes roll back in my head. I feel like at any minute I'm going to turn into Linda Blair, my head rotating on my neck, and spewing pea soup. Where did the people who cared about this country go? Were they outsourced to China or India or some other foreign country too?

I support secession from the union, always will.


^please add this as a smiley for me and name it :south: thanks


Forever Empress E
Hate is a poisonous acid that does far more damage to the vessel holding it than to anything it is poured out on. Paraphrasing Twain. ( that's Mark, not Shania, for you haventards that probably didn't know).

Genuine question - no trolling or malice intended - do you find this statement to be applicable to you personally?

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
Genuine question - no trolling or malice intended - do you find this statement to be applicable to you personally?

Acid doesn't damage glass, does it? So if you've got a glass beaker of acid and pour it out onto, say, a daisy, then it would definitely do more damage to the thing it's pour out on rather than the container. I hate platitudes that don't make any sense. :/


Forever Empress E
I support secession from the union, always will.


^please add this as a smiley for me and name it :south: thanks

Why do you support secession? Which states do you think should secede? Do you think they could individually survive and thrive as a separate and smaller entity without the benefits of the federal umbrella? How high of a tax rate are you willing to pay or are you willing to live in an area on the decline and without hope of the infrastructure and support systems improving?


Forever Empress E
Acid doesn't damage glass, does it? So if you've got a glass beaker of acid and pour it out onto, say, a daisy, then it would definitely do more damage to the thing it's pour out on rather than the container. I hate platitudes that don't make any sense. :/

I suppose it depends on the type of acid as to what type of vessel can or can't contain it. However, I do know of acid etched glass. Also, sometimes the damage done that lasts forever and has to be lived with is worse than total destruction. At least if it is totally destroyed, it is done with and over.

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” – Mark Twain.

I like it better when Twain says it.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
^agreed, coming from Donovan it sounds more like a lecture than a platitude.


Forever Empress E
^agreed, coming from Donovan it sounds more like a lecture than a platitude.

Everything coming from Donovan is a lecture. It is part of his manipulation technique.

Actually, though, it was a genuine question from me to him. I find it interesting that in his paraphrasing he chose the word hatred instead of anger. I don't think those two emotions or states of being are mutually exclusive or dependent upon each other even though they may often co-exist.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Donovan needs to feel morally superior to whomever he's communicating with.

Not sure what's up with that, but two ex-wives can't be wrong.


New Member
Why do you support secession? Which states do you think should secede? Do you think they could individually survive and thrive as a separate and smaller entity without the benefits of the federal umbrella? How high of a tax rate are you willing to pay or are you willing to live in an area on the decline and without hope of the infrastructure and support systems improving?

I can name 13 states that would be much better off. For instance my home state of Virginia, we have oil offshore but faggit greentards wont let us drill for it and seriously reduce gas costs while creating a viable export and thousands of jobs.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
So glad I don't have to look at his stupid shit there.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
My account on fb's been inactive for some time. Fuck facebook.


Forever Empress E
FB isn't the problem. It is the people that use information from that service to harass, intimidate, terrorize, and in general be a POS to another person and their friends and family.

I have to wonder if some of the people who do the things they do to people they meet online would do the same thing to people they meet in person offline. For example, I wonder if Loktar would harass, ridicule, and impersonate my brother if he met my brother offline. Or would the fact that my brother would know who and where Loktar was while Loktar was harassing, ridiculing, and impersonating him would prevent Loktar from doing such a thing. I mean some people behave in a pretty despicable way when they believe the person they are doing such things to have no recourse. Maybe that is one of those true tests of a person's character.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
How's your Sunday going Wheezie? I had an all nighter last night for work. Much fun. Just woke up and am having some coffee. Sunny but cold here today. Going to uncover the wood, and then do some chores and take the dog for a walk in the Weissner Woods.

I really want to just sit and watch football all day and doze. Used to be able to stay up all night easily.


New Member
FB isn't the problem. It is the people that use information from that service to harass, intimidate, terrorize, and in general be a POS to another person and their friends and family.

I have to wonder if some of the people who do the things they do to people they meet online would do the same thing to people they meet in person offline. For example, I wonder if Loktar would harass, ridicule, and impersonate my brother if he met my brother offline. Or would the fact that my brother would know who and where Loktar was while Loktar was harassing, ridiculing, and impersonating him would prevent Loktar from doing such a thing. I mean some people behave in a pretty despicable way when they believe the person they are doing such things to have no recourse. Maybe that is one of those true tests of a person's character.

Well I for one would much prefer to punch a faggit in the face than just bitch at them on a message board.


Forever Empress E
Well I for one would much prefer to punch a faggit in the face than just bitch at them on a message board.

What you would do and what I would do are not always going to be the same things. Personally, I find physical violence non-effective. You hit a person, maybe they recover, it is over. In many cases, that is punishment that does not fit the crime.