If you dont count shoes


Boobie inspector
Then I have two items of clothing on at work today, a new minimum which I doubt will ever be bettered.


Boobie inspector
Well I like to layer my flattery, if you go all out with your first attempt, it leaves you nowhere to go.


I love you
So I was at an ex boyfriend's house today and his uncle whom I had just met gave me a hug good bye. And then not only that, he tells me I have pretty brown eyes. OH! And he touched my toes. Note: These things did not all happen in this order nor at the same time.


I love you
Almost all of these elements were present today. However so was alcohol. So when my ex suggested I scoot closer to him I just sort of brushed him off, to which he said, "ouch" like he cared and I secretly wished he did as a hint of my past feelings came back for him. The feelings faded however after the side hug and no proper walk to my vehicle.

Still I would jump his bones.


Boobie inspector
Feelings for exs often get in the way of relationships with new people, sometimes its better to cut off all contact with them.

And put paint stripper on their car.


I love you
Feelings for exs often get in the way of relationships with new people, sometimes its better to cut off all contact with them.

And put paint stripper on their car.


Yes. Sometimes it is better to cut off all contact with an ex.

self stirring mug

what if i do count shoes


beer, I want beer
Not really. I have two kids we have to share.

Best thing I ever said to my ex and babymaker, during her worst post-breakup behavior: she was being petty, vindictive and needlessly spiteful with her lawyers in order to "punish" me for making good on my decision to leave. So after several months of her applying legal nipple twisters , I turned to her in the waiting room one day and said, "You do know that one day you'll run out of money, the lawyers will be gone and you'll have to talk directly to me whether you like it or not, right? And until that day comes, I want you to know that no matter what crap you put me through, what legal harangues you set up, what stories you spread about me and what things you do to beat me down...it's STILL better than being married to you."

Very satisfying in that moment. She damn near had an aneurysm,