If you dont count shoes


beer, I want beer


Boobie inspector
This thread certainly went in a different direction to which I intended


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
dont they all?


Retired Account
SO i FUCKED her in THE shiNS.. anyway thats a story for anotHER tiMe...


Retired Account


If u dont count shoes...Im wearing 7 layers of clothes :D


moral imperfection
Jesus, divorcees are depressing.

But tbh, they also make me feel a bit smug, too, because I always have to explain IN DETAIL and using A LOT OF WORDS why I do not have any interest whatsoever to perform an, at least to me, completely meaningless ceremony and marry and have 2.5 kids when talking to a freshly married person or young lovers, and I am a bit sick of getting another round of 'but you'd feel oh, so much closer to your man!!!'. Right, being happily together for over ten years isn't nearly as close as going to some institution you never bother with during the rest of your life after having been together for 1 1/2 years with a person you barely know.

So, as you can see, I'm a bit sarcastic when it comes to marriage, and I just love it when yet another one breaks up because one of the partners acted like a jerk or or suddenly found the really pressing need to find her/himself (which of course cannot be done while being in a relationship but turns out to almost always means getting fucked by someone else), so I can say HAAHA Nelson-style*... But I digress.

I am currently wearing only one item of clothing, and it isn't even that hot outside. It's black, btw.

*Of course, I never actually do that to their faces because it is oh, so mean!

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
I might get into the whole marriage scene eventually, but right now I'm still having trouble keeping my dick in my pants when there's two girls I want to go after instead of just one.


moral imperfection
rofl, dearest, speaking strictly from my experience with men, that will never change, so you might want to base your decisions regarding marriage on some other critera ;)