Troll Kingdom

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I'm so sad....

jack said:
Cait's just a drama queen sometimes, jesus Cait three boards were re-energized by that troll of menty and TQ's. We got the cream of the stripper crop clearly, judging from the bullshit responses from some of the rest of those bitches. I checked out their board, that bullshit machoman pimpshit just isn't for me, it's ignorant and it demeans women. Clearly the women who have chosen to "stick around" understand that concept better than others within their own group. It's interesting that the culture of TK community can foster that so effortlessly. :)

Shy and Mono are awesome. So is Tiff. I bet the chinese are about to experience another "Cultural Revolution". :bigass:

[grins] If I'd wanted this to be a drama I wouldn't have just posted one sentence.. Think about it. My drama is always long, drawn out and at least 6 paragraphs long. ;)

This was generally just for fun! I still enjoy the people who have stuck around and that makes the SW affair a compete success in my book.

I said it up thread, in EVERY invasion we keep one or two cool people. That's fine with me.
Laker_Girl said:
Friday? That was me and I didn't call them tawdry whores. I just think those who live in glass moron houses should not throw stones. Something tells me that future employees for JPL probably aren't stripping to pay tuition. ;)

That is all.
Damn it... I used the wrong name. I'm sorry
keekeen said:
Who would you be over there? I am kikin, as if you couldn't tell already. lol.
gimme 5 dollars and I MIGHT tell ya who she is. Then again I might not...but I know who she is
Just because I'm a fat, nerdy virgin who pretends to be a rodent hybrid whose name has it's origins in a White Wolf roleplaying game does NOT make me a looser.

Wait, never mind.
Main Entry: 1loose
Pronunciation: 'lüs
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): loos·er; loos·est
Etymology: Middle English lous, from Old Norse lauss; akin to Old High German lOs loose -- more at -[SIZE=-1]LESS[/SIZE]
1 a : not rigidly fastened or securely attached b (1) : having worked partly free from attachments <a loose tooth> (2) : having relative freedom of movement c : produced freely and accompanied by raising of mucus <a loose cough> d : not tight-fitting
2 a : free from a state of confinement, restraint, or obligation <a lion loose in the streets> <spend loose funds wisely> b : not brought together in a bundle, container, or binding c archaic : [SIZE=-1]DISCONNECTED[/SIZE], [SIZE=-1]DETACHED[/SIZE]
3 : not dense, close, or compact in structure or arrangement
4 a : lacking in restraint or power of restraint <a loose tongue> <loose bowels> b : lacking moral restraint : [SIZE=-1]UNCHASTE[/SIZE]
5 a : not tightly drawn or stretched : [SIZE=-1]SLACK[/SIZE] b : being flexible or relaxed <stay loose>
6 a : lacking in precision, exactness, or care <loose brushwork> <loose usage> b : permitting freedom of interpretation
7 : not in the possession of either of two competing teams <a loose ball> <a loose puck>
- loose·ly adverb
- loose·ness noun

Main Entry: los·er
Pronunciation: 'lü-z&r
Function: noun
1 : one that loses especially consistently
2 : one who is incompetent or unable to succeed; also : something doomed to fail or disappoint
3 : a fat, nerdy virgin who pretends to be a rodent hybrid whose name has it's origins in a White Wolf roleplaying game
Bladev1 said:
gimme 5 dollars and I MIGHT tell ya who she is. Then again I might not...but I know who she is
I don't throw money around like that. She does sound c00l, though. Therefore I shall wait for the mystery to reveal herself. All good things come to he who waits.
Hambil said:
Just because I'm a fat, nerdy virgin who pretends to be a rodent hybrid whose name has it's origins in a White Wolf roleplaying game does NOT make me a looser.

Wait, never mind.

Whoa, I didn't see that crap. Fuck 'em Cait, we're not all like that :)

Cally was pissed at Raffles, so she dogged TK.

I really am a lot more comfortable here now and I frequent this board more than SW. It just seems so uptight there now...
I'm cool with it all honest. I just really liked the SW crowd. Of all the invasions we've had, it seemed you guys fit in the best. ;)