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In Which I Cause WF To Strangle Itself TO DEATH.

Forget it, Jack. He's drunk deep of the kool-aide and is beyond reason. Trumpistas gonna Trump, regardless of the cold reality.
What's your point? Those are all positive aspects to expanding voting ;)

They got states to change voting systems and laws...

Not legally. Bear in mind that SCOTUS didn't clear the voting rules changes as being legal. Instead, SCOTUS punted on the case that brought the complaints that those changes were made illegally.

So, yeah. That's Time Magazine claiming that election tampering 1. Happened, and 2. Was a good thing.
Trumpistas gonna Trump, regardless of the cold reality.

Objecting to election meddling doesn't make me a "Trumpista." As Jack may or may not recall, I bagged on Bernie for, among other things, taking it lying down when the Democrats rigged shit against him, too. He just took the money and ran.

Twice. I could at least have respected Sanders if he'd stood up against the Establishment for himself, like Trump's done. But he just took the dicking and took the dollars. Like any good whore would.
But, let me guess -- only since November 3rd does that exclude questioning the system.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." -Samuel Clemens

By all means, question the system. Question authority. But don't stop there. Question the agenda of people who want to tell us authority is illegitimate, and the whole system needs to be torn down. There is a serious crisis of faith in this country's institutions. All we have are questions, and very little in the way of satisfactory answers. You want to talk about objective truth? Okay. Covid is real and vaccines save lives. Joe Biden won the 2020 election and is the rightful President of the United States. There's some objective truth for you.
Well, that's one way of looking at it. Another is that decent American citizens (who spent the summer watching rioters burn shit down to get their way) were angry that an election full of improprieties and suspect activity were protesting how their votes were undermined. But hey, only a treasonous bomb-thrower would ever say something so horrible as "If this be treason, let me make the most of it!"

If making the most of it means trashing a few offices, smashing windows, and smearing feces on the walls, mission accomplished I guess. All because the guy they supported is the sorest of all sore losers.
Nice deflection. But the fact remains that Citizen of the Crown, Patrick Henry, at one point announced that he would rather be considered a traitor than live under an unjust government. And there were probably some Americans who felt about him the way you feel about the January 6 protestors.

Now if history had unfolded a different way, we'd celebrate the heroic actions of General Benedict Arnold and condemn the inflammatory speeches of that traitor, Patrick Henry.

But on the other hand, I see you've now defined: "an attack on our seat of government, aimed at overthrowing the U.S. Constitution and installing a dictatorial regime" as "trashing a few offices, smashing windows, and smearing feces on the walls." So really? *Really*? "Trashing a few offices" is worse than countless millions of dollars of looting, arson, and destruction? :marathon:
Hey! Isn't it AMAZING how easy it is to make a modern browser ditch its cookies for ONE site? Isn't it fantastic how quick and easy it is to get a web-based email account in mere seconds?

2 accounts on WF in, what, 10 minutes? The only way WF has of stopping me from posting there, even if only 1 post per account, is to shut down registrations pretty much entirely.

You have two options, WF:

Option 1: You stop all new registrations, cutting off the oxygen supply to the board, leaving you with nothing but an echo chamber circlejerk that eventually fizzles out, starves the board, and kills the board, or:

Option 2: Quit bein' fuckin' pussies and stop banning everybody who disagrees with you.

This is your schooling, bitches. This is the turning point where you either grow or die. And I really have no preference for which one you choose.

This is because of Israel. WF supports Israel. Simple as.
There. Was. Very. Little. Meddling.

There isn't supposed to be any, dude. None.

Tolerating a little of it will get you more and more of it. How much of that are you going to tolerate, and at what point will you look around and go, "Y'know... this is shit. I should have spoken up sooner."

The only reason not to object to it is that you're okay with it.
Lanz is like Paladin and Forbin. And John McCain--a tame conservative that the commies trot out on a panel to show they're "diverse" and then the other 6 guests kick the shit out of him while he's down on the ground--and when he struggles back to his feet he smiles and thanks them. They've lived so long around so many liberals that they've just learned to sit down to pee because it just makes life easier. They think "if I just 'compromise' with them, they'll respect me and meet me halfway." Liberals NEVER compromise. They see any concession or kindness as a sign of weakness to be exploited and then crushed at the first opportunity. RINOs NEVER learn this. Mitch Romney. "Maybe if I hate Trump enough, they'll like me." No. They'll *use* you. And then they'll kick you out of the minivan in the middle of nowhere like a worn out Boy Scout Altar Boy.
FWIW, I've never had the impression that Lanz was a RINO. AFAIK, he's a "capital L" Libertarian, which with their open-borders, anti-law-enforcement positions are just, "the other Democrats" at this point.

Not that I'm against some libertarian positions -- malum prohibitum laws and regulations should be struck off the books with all possible haste and all applicable righteous anger -- and that's to start with, the endpoint being that each and every law and regulation not expressly authorized by the Constitution is done away with, and any lawmaker who proposes such a law or regulation in future is immediately ejected from any public office and thereafter barred on penalty of imprisonment from even seeking another.

But 'small l' libertarianism -- and for damned sure "capital L" Libertarian politicians -- have all but abandoned minarchism (aka the "Night Watchman" model) in favor of anarcho-capitalism in a shrinking minority and anarcho-communism in the majority.

It's strayed a long night's walk from the principles of the movement that gave birth to it, and has become a party for kooks and crackpots.
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Nice deflection. But the fact remains that Citizen of the Crown, Patrick Henry, at one point announced that he would rather be considered a traitor than live under an unjust government. And there were probably some Americans who felt about him the way you feel about the January 6 protestors.

Now if history had unfolded a different way, we'd celebrate the heroic actions of General Benedict Arnold and condemn the inflammatory speeches of that traitor, Patrick Henry.

But on the other hand, I see you've now defined: "an attack on our seat of government, aimed at overthrowing the U.S. Constitution and installing a dictatorial regime" as "trashing a few offices, smashing windows, and smearing feces on the walls." So really? *Really*? "Trashing a few offices" is worse than countless millions of dollars of looting, arson, and destruction? :marathon:

Not countless millions but billions and billions of dollars of destruction and looting. It is going to remain for decades too as insurance rates spike and companies refuse to insure businesses in areas where looting occurred. Even if you can get I surance in those areas the cost has increased many times over. That is going to harm businesses in those areas for decades to come.
Which fits nicely into the overall hostility toward small business and, by extension, upward mobility in general held by left-wing interests in and outside of the current administration.
Using Glenn Greenwald to quote Megyn Kelly to make no point at all is the height of fruitless stupidity.

Your side (since you've made sides) is full of shit. Like I've been saying, wait til the cops finally get a chance to tell their side of the story.

Despite your side's best whining and obstruction, they are going to ;)
Nice deflection. But the fact remains that Citizen of the Crown, Patrick Henry, at one point announced that he would rather be considered a traitor than live under an unjust government. And there were probably some Americans who felt about him the way you feel about the January 6 protestors.

Now if history had unfolded a different way, we'd celebrate the heroic actions of General Benedict Arnold and condemn the inflammatory speeches of that traitor, Patrick Henry.

But on the other hand, I see you've now defined: "an attack on our seat of government, aimed at overthrowing the U.S. Constitution and installing a dictatorial regime" as "trashing a few offices, smashing windows, and smearing feces on the walls." So really? *Really*? "Trashing a few offices" is worse than countless millions of dollars of looting, arson, and destruction? :marathon:

This entire argument presupposes that there is nothing at all special or sacred about the United States Capitol Building. That it's just another piece of property, and damage can be measured solely in dollars and cents. Looting a Target is bad, okay? Don't do it. But to suggest that it's somehow worse than disrupting a joint session of Congress to prevent the peaceful transfer of power is absurd. No, it doesn't matter that the rioters were unsuccessful in achieving their goals. The intent is bad enough; and the symbolic damage alone is incalculable.