Is anyone even remotely interested in seeing "Alice in Wonderland"?

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Not me, that's for sure. To me, it looks like yet another self-indulgent Burton film that'll be full of visual candy, but devoid of anything approaching acting or story.

In my opinion, the last good movie Tim Burton made was Ed Wood. Although, to be fair, I never saw Sweeney Todd.


Boobie inspector
Nope, but then again the only films I have seen of his at the cinema were the two batmen films and planet of the apes.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Loved: Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Beetlejuice, Batman, Edward Scissorhands

Liked: Ed Wood, Corpse Bride, Batman Returns, Mars Attacks (tho just barely on that one)

Didn't like: Sleepy Hollow, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

I've never seen any of his other movies, they all looked like junk.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
^^LOL, this proves that the MF is, by and large, full of intelligent, thoughtful moviegoers. All the dumbasses at work can't wait to see it.


Boobie inspector
I forgot about Mars attacks, I did go to pictures to see that one.

Maybe its just Johnny Depp films I don't go see.


I want to smell dark matter
I'd watch it on DVD.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I saw the previews for it when I went to see Avatar. I might go see it just for the EYE CANDY. The 3D stuff really popped. Also, my mom wants to see it, so if she wants to go, I GO.


Let's fuck some shit up
It's supposed to be a sequel to the original animated Disney version. The 3D is going to be more of the same crap we've seen from the mediocre movies that are screaming 3D at the top of their lungs to try and cover up the fact that their movie sucks. 3D doesn't make a movie not suck. It just makes it suck in 3D.

That being said, I might go to see this movie, if only because I like Depp and Helena. Stephen Fry as Cheshire and Alan Rickman as the Caterpillar might also add some fun to the movie.

BDM, you left out Nightmare Before Christmas.


I want to smell dark matter
Big Fish.


Is this real life?
If it'd been out last week then I probably would have seen it, but if it's a choice between this and Shutter Island, then I'd defo watch the latter. Tim Burton's movies are all starting to merge together in my mind, which is kind of ironic considering their main draw is that they're visually dynamic and unique. I feel like I've already seen this movie.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Big Fish was OK. I don't count "The Nightmare Before Christmas" because Burton only produced it. Henry Selick directed it, and he never gets credit. Selick is a fantastic filmmaker, I loved "Nightmare" as well as "James and the Giant Peach" and "Coraline".


Boobie inspector
I can understand how Scorsassi uses Denero in loads of his films, because Denero finds something new to play in every role.

But every Johny Depp role in a Tim Burton films appears to be "quirky man with weird hair"


Is this real life?
Coraline looks like a terrifying movie. Those button eyes give me the heeby jeebies. :phpeek:


Let's fuck some shit up
I can understand how Scorsassi uses Denero in loads of his films, because Denero finds something new to play in every role.

But every Johny Depp role in a Tim Burton films appears to be "quirky man with weird hair"

You forgot to mention that he'll flail around like a drunk man on speed.

Robert "Monkey" Loggia

Mongoloid Biscuit Beast
Coraline looks like a terrifying movie. Those button eyes give me the heeby jeebies. :phpeek:

Coraline was a great film with a horrible last half hour that just killed the entire experience for me.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Coraline looks like a terrifying movie. Those button eyes give me the heeby jeebies. :phpeek:

We saw it in 3-D, and it scared the shit out of my then-4-year-old son. He almost never gets scared by "pretend" stuff, but I think the idea that you could crawl through a hole in the wall and find your "other mother" and she's a big creepy spider thing, it scared him.