Is anyone even remotely interested in seeing "Alice in Wonderland"?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Not really excited about seeing it. That is until Conchaga said Stephen Fry and Alan Rickman were in it. But I doubt I'll go to the theater to see it.

I'm getting sick of Johnny Depp constantly hiding behind layers of makeup and clothing.


Still in Mom's basement
Oh I am soooo going to see Alice In Wonderland!!! I thought Johnny Depp looked freaky hot in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, well his freaky hot self got bumped up a couple of notches in this movie. I love anything he is in, besides I have always been a big fan of the Alice story line, the tweaked freakiness of this one is just to good to pass up. Besides, when I went to see Avatar it was my first 3D experience ever, and now I am hooked.
I did not like Coraline. I did however have to buy a copy for my stepdaughter, and when she plays it, it just grinds my nerves.
Sleepy Hollow was really good....I just love period pieces, and hellooooooo Johnny Depp.
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Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
So basically, the movie can be mediocre, but you'll see it as long as Johhny Depp looks hot?

And they say men are shallow!


moral imperfection
^lol, hey, it seems to work for you guys, so why shouldn't we adapt? ;)

I'd like to see a Depp again who's actually getting something to use his acting skills on. As whisky said - too much stereotypical roles where he doesn't have to actually act in the last years, so meh.
Since I am a movie addict, I'll probably go and watch it, anyway, though.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
^^I don't know a single man who's ever gone to see a movie just because a particular actress is in it. It's a woman thing.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Haven't had time to read the whole review, but EW gave it a C,,20348226,00.html

From what I skimmed, they basically disliked it for the same reasons I gave: it's long on visual effects and short on story.


moral imperfection
^^I don't know a single man who's ever gone to see a movie just because a particular actress is in it. It's a woman thing.
He, I was referring to the 'being shallow' thing in general here.
Besides... iirc from my work in the video rental, a whole sub-division of the movie industry is making bazillions of cash from guys going to see movies because of a particular actress. :bigass:

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
He, I was referring to the 'being shallow' thing in general here.
Besides... iirc from my work in the video rental, a whole sub-division of the movie industry is making bazillions of cash from guys going to see movies because of a particular actress. :bigass:

You mean pornos? Of course. Shit, when I was like 14 and the local video store started renting me pornos, there were fuckstresses for whom I'd seen their entire oeuvre!


moral imperfection
^lol, exactly. I was so used to porn guys coming in and asking for specific names that I once told a guy who asked for 'Marilyn Monroe movies' that since I wasn't really that well-versed in that section, he'd better look for himself. It took me 5 minutes and a very puzzled expression on his face to realized my mistake...


I want to smell dark matter
Jonathan Ross liked it.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
What about "Coach", or Pete Ross?


Be patient till the last.
now that everyone had turned against it, I AM going to see it!

('sides, I enjoy Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter's wackiness, if you'll pardon such an expression in the MF.)


Crispin Glover never fails to entertain. But no, I'm not really interested. Tim Burton needs to skip this crap and start working on his Planet of the Apes sequel.


I want to smell dark matter
I'd definitely (and have) watch movies just for certain actresses (on DVD or download.)

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Yes let's just say that there's a reason I own a DVD about a Maths student who's dream is to ice skate but her mother wants her to have a career in Maths.

And it's not the compelling plot.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I'll go see it for Anne Hathaway, Crispin Glover, Alan Rickman, Michael Sheen, and yeah, Johnny Depp. It looks like something fun I can watching while high on X. :)


I want to smell dark matter