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Israel tearing Gaza apart

And in an unheard of incident, the media was duped into passing off terrorist propaganda as news.

Oh wait. This just in. It turns out the media is regularly duped into passing off terrorist propaganda as news. We here at TrollKingdom News regret the misunderstanding.

For those of you who don't feel like clicking the link, the bottom line is that a French TV News show just ran a segment purported to show the effects of an Israeli air raid that killed civilians. Only it turned out it was actually a video of a terrorist bombing that killed civilians. In 2005. :S:
I say level the whole fucking region. Palestine, Israel, both sides. Wipe them all out. (Now watch someone come along as say that's anti-Semitic, thereby displaying the absolutely unsurprising view that only half the filthy, wretched two-legged animals over there are actually people, not to mention ignorance of the fact that both Jews and Palestinians are Semitic.)
I am appalled at the stupidity of the "public opinion" worldwide.

What's currently happening in Gaza is an obvious election ploy by the Israeli administration that lost much of its credentials, especially after the Wenograd committee clearly declared Israel's bitter defeat against an Iranian proxy militia in July 2006.

After Olmert's recent resignation, internal politics in Israel reached a dead end. There was a necessity for a coalition government, yet walking hand in hand with Kadima was deemed risky by most Israeli parties, and a void in Israel's governance system took place, as the new proposed government was faced with a lot of vetoes.

The sole purpose from this masquerade is boosting Kadima in the Feb 2009 elections, and facilitating a consensus. After all, under the banner of "fighting terrorism", the new Israeli administration will garner the support of most Israeli parties.

The dumb asses who believe that this display of power is a genuine war on terrorism destined to save Israel from the unfathomable danger of a seventy year old Grad missile which's accuracy rate is less than one percent should choke on Ariel Sharon's fossilized cum.
Well I guess if the Pali rockets are really that shitty, then they're doubly stupid for shooting them at Israel. :bergman:
1. While the IDF may not have had a crushing military victory, politically the '06 war was a victory IMO. It got a beefed up UN force on the border, and got the Lebanese military to take over security in S. Lebanon from Hizbullah. The relative quiet on the border is a direct result.

2. I agree that all politics are local, however Hamas is the ones that refused to continue the current ceasefire, not Israel. They were looking for a fight, but figured Israel wasn't. Should have done a better job reading Israeli politics.

3. Looks like the Egyptian/French deal is going to give Israel what they want. Hamas has been weakened enough that Fatah is regaining control of Gaza. Like Lebanon, Israel doesn't have to 'win' militarily to win in the big picture.

4. I see a Syrian peacedeal in the works. Word of backchannel talks have been in the works for months. Israelies don't like the idea of having to negotiate from a position of weakness. As you pointed out, many in Israel were demoralized after the IDF performance in '06 War. After this Olmert will be able to sell the deal (Golan for peace).