It CAN be difficult, by God! They're right!


beer, I want beer
This was copied verbatim from one of our friendly spambots:

some bad Indonesian translator-bot said:
Despite the fact organizing a family vacation utilizing girls and boys can make virtually any adults find the person's excess hair, it can be a pleasing practical experience for everyone finally.

If you've read any of these mishmashes all the way through, you quickly realize three key facts:
1. It's better than all the Badlands regular topics and most of the Minefield
2. There is a little bit of subversive genius hidden in there.
3. Anyone reading them all the way through needs to get offline.

Since I am extremely unlikely to do that third thing, I decided instead to repeatedly copy and paste the above into a google translator and see what comes out.

Yeah, I'm bored.

First rinse: English to Indonesian and back.

Despite the fact organizing family vacations take advantage of women and men can make almost all adults find someone excess hair, can be practically enjoyable experience for everyone eventually.

Hmm, sounds a little suggestive. Let's press on.

Second verse, not the same as the first:

translator win said:
Despite the fact organizing a family vacation to take advantage of women and men can make almost all adults discover a person's hair excessively, can be of practical experience enjoyable for everyone in the end.
Now we're getting somewhere. This is a "TK" style vacation, where one might enjoy taking advantage of both men and women.

The translation machine becomes pretty constant at that point, so we throw a Spanish detour into the mix:

Mexican deviant version said:
Although the organization of a family holiday to take advantage of women and men can do almost all adults discover a person's hair too much can be the experience enjoyable for everyone in the end.
Well, now. Is this one saying rape can be fun for everyone, in moderation? Hmmm.

Back through the Indo-rinse it goes:

wacky indonesians lol said:
Although the organization's family vacation to take advantage of women and men can do almost all adults discover a person's hair too much can be a fun experience for everyone in the end.

Wait, now there's a rape CLUB? That plans events? Notice they downplay the whole "moderation" thing. Now even a little too much hair discovery is okay and fun. Let's move on.

Back through the Mexican version:
While on vacation in the organization of the family to take advantage of women and men can do almost all adults discover a person's hair too much can be a fun experience for everyone in the end.

I blame the liberal media. This would never happen with strong conservative leadership. They would keep their buttrape club completely secret...


moral imperfection
Donovan, please move in with me.
Anyone who takes the time to do this is definitely able to put up with my more, erm, irratic phases easily. :whistle:


beer, I want beer
Donovan, please move in with me.
Anyone who takes the time to do this is definitely able to put up with my more, erm, irratic phases easily. :whistle:

If it weren't for that pesky ocean...


moral imperfection
I know, right? It's about time someone invents some machine or gadget to cross the sea, you know, like, some floating device or something.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


moral imperfection
Great idea, but seriously - do you truly think Dono can sit in there and refrain from poking that bubble long enough to get to my place??


beer, I want beer
I do like to poke things.

I have a poker.


beer, I want beer
I'm about to discover hair excessively. Which, I'm told, can be fun in the end.


moral imperfection
Well, you're not discovering it in the place you're currently examining, that much I can promise you.


beer, I want beer
In that case I must look much more closely. This could take a while...


beer, I want beer
If we work very closely together and come at it from both ends I think we can lick this obstacle.


That particular example is so bad, I think I may preserve it after nuking the bot.


moral imperfection
I think we work together very closely, and if we come from both sides to do that obstacle.


beer, I want beer
Yeah that was so bad it actually had some win in it. It was on the level of "all your base."

In fact, I propose that this:

Korni said:
Despite the fact organizing a family vacation utilizing girls and boys can make virtually any adults find the person's excess hair, it can be a pleasing practical experience for everyone finally.
be made quote of the week in honor of the everpresent efforts of our spambot friends...


beer, I want beer
I think we work together very closely, and if we come from both sides to do that obstacle.

I would like some making fuck to also under impediment of this.


RIP 1970~2018
That particular example is so bad, I think I may preserve it after nuking the bot.

I move we attach Donovan work on the translation to the piece in the archive.

That was _funny_. No two ways about it.

Can I get a second?

As for the rest of this thread...You dirty kids.


RIP 1970~2018
At when during a time of winter and aircold a boy and girl can not feel warm about open swim they be sad to need.