It would have been funny if Data had pushed Crusher so hard that her neck snapped

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I can't remember if the "lifeforms" song is considered good or not.

I like the way Riker says "fire". If I was gay I'd like it even more.
Those are the two best moments in the film.

"Lifeforms" is funny Data at his best. Later they would squander "funny Data" with lame bits like the flotation device, and his wedding speech/song.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Ten Forward looks really cool with that lighting. And McDowell's eyes when he says "time is the fire in which we burn."

Oh no, Data's acting like a cock now...
I wasn't as thrilled with the darker lighting, but I understand why they did it. Scenes like that and Picard's Ready Room, which were much darker with oddly-placed, colored light sources, went overboard trying to create a mood. But they filmed the movie while they were still filming the series, so they couldn't physically change the sets to make them look cooler for the big screen.

It makes sense that they made Troi drive the Ent-D into a tree (twice) in the movie, which gave them a plot-driven excuse to make a more badass ship for the movies.


I want to smell dark matter
Do I have to post the defence of Troi's "driving" yet again? :(

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
BUT ITS FUNNYlwe;rjksr

Plus they made it up to her with the classic drunk scene in FC, and mind-raping her again in NEM.

And of course, being the first person in Trek history to say "BOOBS" (or was it Beverly)...


I want to smell dark matter
It was UHURA in a deleted scene from Star Trek 4 (not really.)


I want to smell dark matter
Well I always liked it, I just like to check with cool people before I express an opinion.


Generations isn't that great, but it is to me for one reason. I didn't get into Trek until the 7th season of Next Gen premiered on Sky. As that had finished, the build up to Generations was unbearable. I was 17 years old, at college, and hooked on Trek. Any new Next Gen was going to prove to be great, even if it was contrived and disappointing when watched without the Trek bug I had at the time. It also took me a long while to get into DS9 afterwards, so for a while, this is all I had that was new to Trek to look forward to.

There's still long parts of that movie I love, because it invokes memories for me. Even average to poor movies can great to people because of memories they attach to them. Generations is one of those for me.