It's gluten free

Love Child

One Love
I am not gluten sensitive you fuckers. So stop offering me gluten free products. You would think after 3 years they might remember.


Can I have Ops?
ITS A NEW HIGH MARGIN INDUSTRY! That's why we are after you fuckers.

1. Mass produce one lot of easy food, specialise the fuck out of it.
2. Force markets to sell FUCK LOADS of this specialised product
3. We are all lazy fuckers so we eat it, and then become intolerant
4. YAY, let's devise a new processed crap market and take out said ingredient

I wouldn't be surprised if we all develop palm oil intolerance. Unless Type 2 Diabetes counts?


I love you
I am almost becoming intolerant to almonds now. wtf no more almond milk. Switch to local fresh dairy


I want to smell dark matter
I can't wait for when all food is in pill form.