ITT: Ask a TK admin anything.

self stirring mug

nice try i hover my links before i click em :p


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
With me, of course.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Your helmet is shiny!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Cool. Another n00b with quality standards.

Emperor Palpatine

Registered User
There you are, Lord Vader. Harassing these fine subjects of the Empire when you should be out exterminating rebel scum! Get back to the Death Star now. The engineering corps tells me there's a big gaping hole straight to the reactor. Apparently the one of the engineers was drunk off his ass when he designed the exhaust system. And guess who was supposed to be overseeing the design phase? That's right, YOU! If the rebels find a way to exploit that flaw, your ass is mine! Now get moving!


Elder Statesman
When are you and MM (and Menty) going to get bored enough to give me Admin powers again?

The sky did NOT fall...


Elder Statesman
You'll have to send a PM to the HR department.

I did. They convinced me to file a sexual harassment complaint against you.

I'll be visiting MM with rope, chocolate, La Pearla lingerie (her size, not mine) and a spanking bench.

Still working on what Menty might want.

Just give in now and save us all the trouble.
