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Lord Vader

Registered User
Emporeror Palpatine said:
There you are, Lord Vader. Harassing these fine subjects of the Empire when you should be out exterminating rebel scum! Get back to the Death Star now. The engineering corps tells me there's a big gaping hole straight to the reactor. Apparently the one of the engineers was drunk off his ass when he designed the exhaust system. And guess who was supposed to be overseeing the design phase? That's right, YOU! If the rebels find a way to exploit that flaw, your ass is mine! Now get moving!

What are you gonna do old man, beat me with your Imperial walker. I've got an ironclad contract and a golden parachute which guarantees a generous retirement package regardless of what happens to your overly large to compensate for something small, space station, so you can't fire me Pinky.
I've got plenty in bonuses from using chicane day laborers from Home depot to build the floors and railings. You better watch Your step. I would hate to see you fall down that great big gaping hole straight to the reactor. I know you're not worried about falling because you have a golden parachute too, but, those same day laborers are the ones who packed it for you.

Emperor Palpatine

Registered User
What are you gonna do old man, beat me with your Imperial walker. I've got an ironclad contract and a golden parachute which guarantees a generous retirement package regardless of what happens to your overly large to compensate for something small, space station, so you can't fire me Pinky.
I've got plenty in bonuses from using chicane day laborers from Home depot to build the floors and railings. You better watch Your step. I would hate to see you fall down that great big gaping hole straight to the reactor. I know you're not worried about falling because you have a golden parachute too, but, those same day laborers are the ones who packed it for you.

Oh, I have no intention of firing your incompetent ass. I don't have to. I have friends, and I know all the secrets you don't want out there. Starting with these pictures from the Imperial Christmas party last year. Or should I say the not-so-"secret" after party you thought nobody else knew about.




Sleeping with the shop steward has it's perks. Oh, and funny you should mention "compensating". I talked to a certain Twi'lek at the cantina last week. Yeah, that one. She mentioned that you had quite a bit of trouble keeping your Turbolaser powered up, if you get my drift. And that you had to resort to some creative uses of The Force to finish the job. Yeah, keep talking cyborg boy. You're going to bury yourself so deep you'll wish you were swallowed by a Sarlacc.

Lord Vader

Registered User
Sleeping with the shop steward has it's perks.

Yes, you get to be first in line at the dumpster as rooting through day old donuts. And then you get crabs from the skanky fluzy who couldn't finish college and who makes you listen to her bitch about her shitty lot in life. Yeah You.

Oh, and funny you should mention "compensating". I talked to a certain Twi'lek at the cantina last week. Yeah, that one. She mentioned that you had quite a bit of trouble keeping your Turbolaser powered up, if you get my drift. And that you had to resort to some creative uses of The Force to finish the job. Yeah, keep talking cyborg boy. You're going to bury yourself so deep you'll wish you were swallowed by a Sarlacc.

Listen up, Hef. You can parade around Mos Eisley with your 7 hot Selonian quote girlfriends unquote, but that's just for show. Naw, the only one who get you charged is a boy named Luke. Women keep your sabre, light.



You sure do like em young, ya Fruit.And now we know why. What were you and that alter boy caught doing that made them transfer you off of Tatooine, anyway.


Elder Statesman
Ok, serious question:

Is MM still involved in policy decisions?


Elder Statesman


Luci ain't got nothin' on me.
More importantly, the universe didn't reset from the question and the answer being in such proximity.

That we know of.