Jack the Giant Slayer

What do you call heterosexual men who love to watch two women make love?

But a fag-hag is different than that, Yes?

I see a fag-hag as avoiding real relationship-so she becomes best friends with someone who is safe and can not have a romance with.

A guy that hangs out with lesbians however is hopeful that somehow they or one will suddenly want his dick.
Pretty much. Fag hag is actually an outdated term. The more recent version is "fruit fly" but nowadays people just lose all sense of humor and wag their PC fingers at you for using such ACCURATE terms.
Never heard of that one, maybe its an American thing?

I don't think the whole fruit = gay is that big over here.
Well, Wiki to the rescue!

Fag hag is a gay slang phrase referring to a woman who either associates mostly or exclusively with gay and bisexual men, or has gay and bisexual men as close friends. The phrase originated in gay male culture in the United States and was historically an insult.[1] Some women who associate with gay men object to being called fag hags while others embrace the term. The male counterpart, for men who have similar interpersonal relationships with gay and bisexual men is fag stag, part of hag-ism, the identification of a person with a group—usually united in terms of sexuality, gender identity, or shared sex—of which he or she is not officially a member.[2] For men who have many lesbian friends the slang terms Dutch Boy, lesbro or dyke tyke apply.[3][4]

People who associate with lesbian, gay and bisexual people may be called fruit flies regardless of their sex.

I like lesbro, some of the other names might get confusing.

I have both gay and lesbian friends in the uk, although I haven't actually met either of them, I would like to though, someday.
I have gay friends, but we haven't had bum sex. They haven't seemed to insist on it either. I must say they are a strange bunch aren't they?