Troll Kingdom

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Cranky Bastard said:
Excellent comeback on the fly. How do you do it?
Are you really that stupid that you can't even tell when you're being parodied? That's a rhetorical question, BTW.
Wisdom said:
How's your daughter jack? How about I give her a call and find out?

How does that sound

I think you're talking out both your assses as usual :D
Wisdom said:
Jack's a repressed homosexual, in case anyone hasn't figured this out yet.

Only around your ass which I enjoy pounding endlessly. :bigass:
Wisdom said:
She'll enjoy that little joke in bed tonight.
Kerb Crawler said:
Why should she enjoy that one over the other little joke she's had to suffer through all these years?
That one's even funnier. If you only knew. :chaching: