JESUS CHRIST: Question about Speak Freely.


Pinata Whacker
I will never apologize to you. I still believe they are your duals, but for the moment I am willing to put that aside and see where this game, troll, or whatever it is that Jack, Dirk, etc are playing leads. I expect it to be very revealing, lulzy or entertaining. If not then its back to where we started.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I understand what "Speak Freely" is now. "Speak Freely" is actually the new "Question and Suggestion Forum".

I got the point when "Mentalist" moved my thread from "The Question and Suggestion" Forum to "Speak Freely".

I mean, The Question and Suggestion forum and Speak Freely are the same? Two forums for questions? and there is no GUTTER style forum at "TrollKingdom"?

Listen you ignorant cunt, QSF is for board problems and functions, not for you to spam it with your bullshit meaningless personal requests of jealousy and butthurt. That's why Menty moved your retarded fucking spam thread. You're a fucking idiot. You don't understand how things work. Your above post is proof of that.

And no there is no gutter style forum at TK. Rick made that for me. There is no Rick here, hence no Gutters. The only comic book geek here leftover from Comicon is you. No one else cares about Comicion or it's format. None of the rest of us post there or even lurk there. You and all your idiot friends continue to go over there and cry to everyone about how you can't post here and how you pwn everyone here.

Get a clue, you piece of shit. No one that still posts over there cares anything at all about you or what you're doing over here or at your fake hyperboard. There is NO MORE GUTTERS. That was about three years ago.



Retired Account
still talking to the wank biscuits then huh? spend the whole weekend up to my nurts in guts and ur all still poking the monkey at the zoo with a bash stick???

carry on...
Well let me just say then how sorry I am for my past actions, beg for forgiveness and extend an olive branch to you.

AMEN! I except your apology with an open heart.

Hi I'm Loktar. Pleased to meet you. Tell us about yourself. Other than NAP what are some of your other hobbies and interests?

Hi I'm GANK MASTER a true believer in GOD.

That's why I PRAY.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
So GM, Miss Manners states elsewhere that if you send her a PM (private message) asking her to change your red karma to green so you can play in the arcade, she'll do that for you.

Do you know how to send someone a PM?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
btw, GANK MASTER, when I say "GM" I'm referring to you, using your initials.

I'm taking the time to explain everything, because all of a sudden it occurs to me that you might be less retarded than I've been giving you credit for, you just might not be familiar with some of our hip jive lingo disguised as popular discourse (nod nod wink wink know what I mean say no more a nod's as good as a wink to a blind man know what I mean?)


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
But, you and I need to have some discourse about your firenbrimstone schtick.
But, you and I need to have some discourse about your firenbrimstone schtick.

JESUS CHRIST. Are you able to dicuss the LORDS word with a faithfull CHRISTIAN?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
JESUS CHRIST. Are you able to dicuss the LORDS word with a faithfull CHRISTIAN?

Let me clue you in to something, darling. I'm quite religious. I study the Pathwork which involves some of Christ's directives quite fluently. I wouldn't say I'm overly religious, but Jesus is pretty real to me. So every time you blaspheme him with your bullshit off the mark rhetoric you offend me, much the same way Charles whas offended by my nbomb rhetoric.

Take that to the bank, GM. It's real currency.
All this time I thought "Speak Freely" was a GUTTERS style posting forum. Was I(Blackfoot) wrong?

GOD knows that was my first impression too. Was it a gutter style forum when it was The Playground?

Let me clue you in to something, darling. I'm quite religious. I study the Pathwork which involves some of Christ's directives quite fluently. I wouldn't say I'm overly religious, but Jesus is pretty real to me. So every time you blaspheme him with your bullshit off the mark rhetoric you offend me, much the same way Charles whas offended by my nbomb rhetoric.

Take that to the bank, GM. It's real currency.

Good LORD. Why are you offended by me doing JESUS work? I'm a peice of work when it comes to CHRISTIAN topics.

That's why I PRAY


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Suddenly, my dick itches.
I PRAYED to GOD that I wanted one day alone at TK without confussion.

No disrespect to you Jack, but from you. Do you ever take a break? JESUS CHRIST.

You need to PRAY.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Are you kidding? I'll sleep when I'm dead.