Kate Middleton isn't even that hot


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah, William is weird looking. If I was forced to have sex with a royal, I'd have dirty Nazi sex with Harry.

(Well, no, I'd have sex with Zara Philips or the fitter Fergie daughter. BUT STILL.)

They're harsh because they're fantasizing. If they were being realistic, they'd never turn her down. Let's just say that some sort of insane situation arises where Kate is one-on-one with them, they wouldn't kick her arse out of bed.

This concludes the stating-the-bleedin'-obvious post.

Well, obviously, I never said I would.



Can I have Ops?
The fact that she will soon become one of the most photographed women in the world will mean the death knell in the blonde / brunette war.

"The Rise of the Brunette" is already on the way.


Staff member
I think she's a pretty girl and I am surprisingly quite unjaded by the whole thing for once. I am a bit of a secret Royalist though and I enjoy all the pomp and circumstance that goes along with it.

William is balding slightly already but he's a good looking lad. It's just that he can take some unflattering photographs. It's very hard to slate him for anything though. He's a likable guy. A Royal Wedding will be fun and could bring in a 700m boost to the economy which won't shut up those who whine and complain about the 66 pence a year the Royal Family cost each taxpayer but is a good counterpoint.


I want to smell dark matter
She's obviously a perfectly fine looking woman really (there wasn't really any point to this thread at all, or to anything I've posted in the last eight years, IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T ALL NOTICED THAT YET), her face just doesn't interest me much and her smile looked "fake" during that tv interview that was on every channel at once which I had no escape from.


Staff member
What if she shouts "I LOVE KIM JONG UN!" randomly in every interview from now on? HOW LONG BEFORE WILLIAM EXECUtes heR?

Homo Erectus

Registered User
It seemed to me like she was just scared spitless of the cameras and of making a mistake. Her answers were sort of timid and constrained...He kept having to take over for her, poor thing. She'll get better.


Staff member
Also, if he wants a blow job and she isn't in the mood is is TREASON for her to say "not tonight I have a headache?"


I want to smell dark matter
And if William goes nuts and betrays the Royal Family and slaughters children and she says he's "breaking her heart", is it okay for him to Force Choke her?

Dr Dave

What if she shouts "I LOVE KIM JONG UN!" randomly in every interview from now on? HOW LONG BEFORE WILLIAM EXECUtes heR?

That would make for some good tv.

And if William goes nuts and betrays the Royal Family and slaughters children and she says he's "breaking her heart", is it okay for him to Force Choke her?

Yes, yes it is.


I want to smell dark matter
How come she gets to be Queen but Prince Philip doesn't get to be King?


Because the Monarchy has a male dominancy. A King can only be named thus by bloodright (as heir apparent), but any consort of a King can be Queen.


I want to smell dark matter
I hope Harry marries a black girl.

Robert "Monkey" Loggia

Mongoloid Biscuit Beast
She's fair to middleton


I want to smell dark matter