The Dork Lord
Whipping Boy
Aren't you still on the citizens list? Hypocrite.
If I am, it's becease the mods are too lazy to take me off.
Aren't you still on the citizens list? Hypocrite.
If you get removed from the list, will you have no rights?If I am, it's becease the mods are too lazy to take me off.
Pathetic. LOL.
I thought I removed him once. Sorry for all of the karma comments. I can't keep up with all of the bull shit that is in this thread. Its ridiculous.
Loktar you put yourself in a position where we all want to tell you how to live your life and what to do. And look I am probably doing it now. But srsly wtf why does everyone tell you what to do? Its hilariuos.
What would Dual have against Loktar anyway? Can't find anyone else to pick on Dual? Srsly. Picking on Loktar is like picking on a lamb. A lamb that wanders off the field occasionaly and gets into trouble, but srsly.
Pathetic. LOL.
I'm a horrible person, but Loktar knows we're friendz 4 reel.